September 12, 2018




眉豆 — 性平,健脾和胃。
赤小豆 — 性平,利水消腫。
淮山 — 又稱山藥,性平,健脾養胃,補肺生津,感冒未清者及便秘人士不宜多吃。
茯苓 — 性平,健脾滲濕。
扁豆衣 — 性平,健脾化濕。
陳皮 — 性平,理氣健脾、燥濕化痰,舒緩孕婦的作悶欲吐。


Ingredients to relieve swelling for expecting mothers

How to get rid of swelling is something most expecting mother worry about. As your legs become thicker, and your skin doesn’t bounce back when pressed, those are signs of edema. Some may even start to not fit in their shoes. Chinese medicine theory says that pregnancy bloating is due to weakened spleen and stomach leading to water retention.

Typical ingredients to dispel dampness are cold in nature or has healing effects to promote circulation which are not suitable for pregnant ladies. Try adding in mild natured ingredients such as black-eyed peas, rice bean, Chinese yam, poria, hyacinth bean, and dried citrus peel into your soup to relieve bloating.

Ingredients to relieve bloating:
Black eyed pea- mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and stomach
Rice bean- mild in nature, promotes diuresis and relieve bloating
Chinese yam- mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach, replenishis the lungs and promotes fluid production. Not suitable for those recovering from cold/flu or those prone to constipation
Poria- mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness
Hyacinth bean- mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness
Dried citrus peel- mild in nature, regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, dispels dampness and relieves phlegm, alleviates nausea for expecting mothers

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