November 25, 2018





然而,有時你以為自己是熱氣,其實卻是陰虛,也就是身體有「虛火」,即陰氣不足,陽氣相對旺盛,即見兩顴潮紅、牙肉腫痛、生暗瘡、流鼻血、 手心腳心煩熱等。經常熬夜、壓力大都會導致虛火上升,這時候你需要的不單是清熱而是滋陰降火。

不要聽到食材有清熱作用就怕 「太寒涼」,反而要理解有清熱功效的食材必要是屬性寒涼才能降火,假如你身體出現偏熱症狀就要清熱,才可平衡陰陽,然而當症狀緩解後就別再繼續了,無事清熱只會令身體愈飲愈寒,有損身體的陽氣。最重要還是先學懂分辨自己身體狀況,對症下藥,就不用再怕「熱氣」和「寒涼」了!


Excess Fire Vs Asthenic Fire
Herbal tea is a tradition in Hong Kong. Many in the labour industry enjoy herbal tea to relieve heat and thirst. Even now, when people walk by herbal tea shops, they would choose to have a random cup. But before attempting to clear heat, it is important to know- do you actually have heat in body? Then if you do, is it excess heat or asthenic heat? This way you can find the proper way to treat the ‘fire’ in your body.
So what is heat in body? According to Chinese medicine theory, when yin and yang in the body is balanced, you are in a healthy state. When it is hot and you have hot pot, spicy food, fried foods, then you are prone to fire in body. When the yang qi is more than normal, you will experience heat related symptoms such as dry mouth, bad breath, canker sores, and yellow urination. This type of heat is excess heat, and it would be appropriate to clear heat.
However, there are times you believe you have heat, but it may be yin deficiency leading to asthenic heat. The lack of yin qi leads to active yang qi and you will experience heat flash, painful and swollen gums, acne, nose bleeds, and hot palms in the hands and feet. Those with frequent late nights and high stress tend to have asthenic heat, and this is not a time to clear heat, but you should nourish yin to reduce heat.
When you hear that ingredients can clear heat, do not over worry that it means it might be ‘too cold’ in nature. Ingredients that can clear heat will be cold in nature, and since you do have excess heat, then you can balance out yin and yang by clearing heat. Once your symptoms are alleviated, then do not continue. If you are clearing heat for no reason, your body will become too cold. It is important to know your body condition, use the right treatment and you do not need to worry about whether something is ‘hot’ or ‘cold’.
Healing tea for excess heat
Effects: clears heat and dispels dampness, alleviates symptoms of bitterness in taste, bad breath and yellowish urine.
Ingredients: 6g prunella vulgaris, 3g chrysanthemum
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse again with hot water. Then steep with hot water for 10 minutes until fragrance develops.
Note: For best results, drink 2-3 times a week for 2 weeks as one treatment course.
Healing tea for asthenic heat
Effects: nourishes yin and clears asthenic heat, alleviate late night induced asthenic heat symptoms
Ingredients: 10g sliced American ginseng, 15g wolfberries, appropriate amounts of honey
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse again with hot water. Then steep with hot water for 5 minutes until fragrance develops. Let cool and add in honey.
Note: For best results, drink 2-3 times a week for 2 weeks as one treatment course.

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