October 31, 2019




番薯- 性平,能健脾胃、補氣血,亦有通便秘的功效。適合脾胃虛弱、營養不良、氣血兩虛、產後或習慣性便秘者食用。注意:容易胃脹人士不宜進食。

Different sweet potatoes with different benefits
Autumn breeze reminds you that it is the season to eat roasted sweet potato. From a Chinese medicine perspective, sweet potato can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and is suitable for constipation relief. It is a healthy coarse grain. It is hard to decide between yellow-flesh or purple-flesh sweet potato when standing at the roasted sweet potato stall. Orange-yellow flesh in sweet potato comes from carotene, which is good for maintaining eye health and improving skin health, and can also enhance immunity. Purple flesh in sweet potato comes from anthocyanins, which is a strong antioxidant, has the effect of anti-aging, and helps to improve the cardiovascular health. The two colors of sweet potatoes have their own benefits, so you can buy both of them!
When selecting raw sweet potato, you should choose the one which is heavy, with smooth skin, less potholes, less roots, and no insect bites. How do you cook sweet potato? Since anthocyanins and carotene is lost in water, they should not be boiled in water. It is recommended to steam or roast the sweet potato to preserve more nutrients. You can eat it with skin, because the sweet potato skin is rich in vitamins, minerals and cellulose.
The rich fiber content of sweet potato is easy to produce a feeling of fullness. Those who want to lose weight can try to replace some rice with a proper amount of sweet potato. And many people are afraid to eat too much sweet potato as it makes a person fart. As sweet potato contains oxidase, intestinal bacteria will produce gas when digesting oxidase, it can lead to stomach qi, abdominal bloating, snoring and gassiness, so it is not suitable for those prone to abdominal bloating.

Sweet Potato- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and suitable for constipation relief. It is suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, with lack of nutrients, with asthenic qi and blood, with chronic constipation, or postpartum ladies. Note: it is not suitable for those prone to abdominal bloating.

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