December 5, 2018
鮑魚 — 性平,滋陰清熱、補益肝腎,具調經、明目、潤腸功效,適合月經不調、腎虛小便頻繁、大便燥結者食用。
扇貝/瑤柱 — 性平,具滋陰補腎、調補脾胃的作用,尤其適合脾腎陽虛的夜尿頻多者食用。
蠔 — 性平,滋陰養血、補心安神,適合陰虛、煩熱、失眠、心神不安者食用。
青口/淡菜 — 性熱,補肝腎、益精血,適合氣血不足、肝腎不足、小便餘瀝、夜尿頻繁、婦女白帶過多者食用。
蚌 — 性寒,滋陰養肝、明目、清熱解毒,尤其適合陰虛內熱及更年期人士食用。由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及經期期間慎吃。
花蛤 — 又稱花甲或蛤蜊,性寒,滋陰化痰、利水止消渴,尤其適合陰虛體質及更年期人士食用。由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及經期期間慎吃。
蟶子 — 性寒,補陰止渴、清熱除煩,適合陰虛火旺體質及煩熱口渴者。由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及經期期間慎吃。
響螺 — 性寒,滋補肝腎、養顏補血、健脾養胃,適合陰虛火旺、腎虛尿頻人士食用。由於性寒,脾胃虛寒者及經期期間慎吃。
Eight shellfish that nourish yin
According to Chinese medicine, ladies experience weakening of kidneys around age of 35. Hair and skin quality as well as body condition may start to deteriorate. Coupled with urbanites lifestyle, pressure, late nights, and poor dietary habits, some may even experience early onset of menopause. If you want avoid premature aging, be sure to nourish yin and replenish your liver and kidney. A lot of shell fish can nourish yin such as the mild-natured abalone. Dried abalone can be quiet pricey, but fresh abalone has similar healing qualities and is also very tasty and healthy!
Abalone- mild in nature, nourishes yin and clears heat, replenishes the liver and kidneys. Helps to regulate menstruation, improve vision, and moisten the intestines. Suitable for those with irregular menstruation, asthenic spleen and frequent urination, and dry stool.
Scallop- mild in nature, nourishes yin and replenishes kidneys, nourishes spleen and stomach. Suitale for those with spleen, kidneys and yang deficiency induced frequent night urination.
Oyster- mild in nature, nourishes yin and blood, replenishes the heart and calms the mind. Suitable for yin deficiency, irritability, insomnia, and anxiety.
Mussel- hot in nature, replenishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes blood. Suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency, dribbling urination, frequent night urination, ladies with excessive vaginal discharge.
Geoduck- cold in nature, nourishes yin and livers, improves vision, clears heat and detoxifies. Suitable for those with yin deficiency and those in menopause. Due to its cold nature, those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach or those having menstruation should avoid.
Venus clam- cold in nature, nourishes yin and relieves phlegm, promotes fluid production and relieves thirst. Suitable for those with yin deficiency and those in menopause. Due to its cold nature, those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach or those having menstruation should avoid.
Bamboo clam- cold in nature, replenishes yin and relieves thirst, clears heat and relieves irritability. Suitable for those with yin deficiency and excess fire as well as those with irritability and excess thirst. Due to its cold nature, those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach or those having menstruation should avoid.
Conch- cold in nature, nourishes liver and kidneys, improve skin and replenishes blood, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach. Suitable for those with yin deficiency and excess fire, asthenic kidneys and frequent urination. Due to its cold nature, those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach or those having menstruation should avoid.