October 15, 2018




地瓜圓 — 地瓜即番薯,性平,健脾胃,通便秘。適合脾胃虛弱及便秘人士,糖尿病人不可多吃。
紫薯圓 — 性平,健脾養胃,補虛益氣。適合脾胃虛弱及便秘人士,糖尿病人不可多吃。
紅豆 — 性平,養血安神。適合各種體質人士服用。
綠豆 — 性寒,清熱解毒、消暑祛濕,適合濕熱體質,胃寒人士不宜。
薏米 — 性寒,清熱健脾滲濕、消腫排膿,適合痰濕及濕熱體質。孕婦、小便頻繁及脾胃虛寒人士不宜服用。
蓮子 — 性平,安神止汗、補腎固精,容易便秘及腹脹者不易多服。
蒟蒻 — 性溫,潤腸通便。
仙草 — 性寒,清涼解渴,體質偏虛寒人士不宜。

Taro rice balls can moisten the intestines and strengthen the spleen and stomach
In the world of desserts, taro rice balls have become increasingly popular. It is from Taiwan and it is made by mashing steamed taro, then adding in sweet potato starch and water, mixing into a dough. Then the dough is separated and made into small balls, finally cooked in water. Chinese medicine theory says that taro is mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, especially suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach qi, as well as those with chronic constipation. Those with diabetes should not have taro. Taro rice balls is commonly mixed with different ingredients so you can choose additional items based on your body type. Remember to use less sugar.

Common accompanying items with taro rice balls:
Sweet potato rice balls- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and relieve constipation. Suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and those with constipation. Those with diabetes should consume with caution.

Purple sweet potato rice balls- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi. Suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and those with constipation. Those with diabetes should consume with caution.

Red beans- mild in nature, can nourish blood and calm the mind. Suitable for all body types.

Mung beans- cool in nature, can clear heat and detoxify, relieve summer heat and dispel dampness. Suitable for those with damp heat body type, not suitable for those with cold stomach.

Coix seeds- cool in nature, can clear heat, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, relieve bloating. Suitable for those with phlegm and dampness or damp heat body types. Not suitable for pregnant ladies, those with frequent urination, and those with asthenic spleen and stomach.

Lotus seeds- mild in nature, can calm the mind and relieve sweating, replenish the kidneys and provide vital energy. Not suitable for those prone to constipation and abdominal bloating.

Konjac- warm in nature, can moisten the intestines to relieve constipation.
Grass jelly- cold in nature, cool and relieves thirst. Not suitable for those with asthenic cold body types.

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