September 4, 2017
悲傷不是虛弱的表現,但過度悲傷反而會令身體虛弱。經常鬱鬱不歡、多愁善感、傷春悲秋、愛哭的女人,多是氣虛體質──說話小聲、整天都很像沒什麼力氣的、甚至經常翻覆感冒。這不是惹人憐愛的技巧,而是因為「悲傷肺」,哭到肝腸寸斷後傷了肺氣的表現。想當年失戀的時候,自己會不由自主的連環重播往事只能回顧的回憶片段,眼淚也就開堤般泛濫,哭乾眼淚以後,上氣不接下氣,全身也會感覺沒力,有如剩下一塊人皮,旁人想扶你也扶不起。肺氣損傷會出現氣短、咳嗽、全身乏力等氣虛症狀。是時候不再做悲劇女主角,悲傷過度的女人適宜補肺氣,令Blue Monday變成Happy Monday!
Ladies who cry often have qi-deficiency
Ladies who cry often have qi-deficiency
Crying is not a sign of weakness, but being excessive sad can lead to body to an asthenic state. If you are depressed, often sad and crying frequently, most likely your body constitution is qi-deficiency. You likely speak softly and feel like you don’t have energy, and are prone to flus and colds. This is not a trick to get more sympathy, but, due to have ‘sad lungs’, your crying has hurt your lung qi. Thinking back to the time when you were broken up, you can’t help but replay old scenes in your mind and tears also start to flow controllably. When those tears finally dry up, you find yourself out of energy and out of breath. It’s as if your body has lost its core and others cannot even help you up anymore. Damage to lung qi can result in shortness of breath, cough, and fatigue. It’s time to stop being the lead character in a tragedy and start replenishing your lung qi. Turn this blue Monday into a happy Monday!
Three key foods to replenish qi: oats, corn, Carrot’s Art