February 17, 2017
☞ 功效:健脾益氣。舒緩多汗及容易疲倦氣短等症狀。
⚠️ 感冒未清者不宜飲用。
☞ 材料: 粟米(連鬚連芯) 2 根、紅蘿蔔 1 根、薯仔 2個、新鮮棕櫚果4塊、太子參10g、白扁豆20克、黃豆40克、蜜棗 4 枚
☞ 做法:
1. 把所有材料洗淨備用。紅蘿蔔、薯仔去皮、粟米連鬚連芯切大塊,棕櫚果切半備用。
2. 鍋中加入約 2000 毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,改文火煮 1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Soup remedy for excessive sweating
☞ Ingredients: 2 corns, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes, 4 dried sea coconuts, 10g pseudostellaria root, 20g hyacinth beans, 40g soy beans, 4 candied dates
☞ Effects: Strengthens the spleen, replenishes ‘qi’. Relieves symptoms of excessive sweating, fatigue and breathlessness.
⚠️ Not recommended for those recovering from a cold or flu.