February 27, 2020




薑黃 — 又稱黃薑,性溫,有活血行氣、通經止痛的功效,適合血瘀氣滯體質人士服用。由於有行氣活血作用,孕婦、哺乳婦女、經期中的婦女不宜食用。

肉桂 — 性熱,有散寒止痛、溫經通脈、健胃暖脾的作用,適合怕冷、胃寒冷痛、食慾不振者食用;惟陰虛火旺、身體有偏熱症狀人士勿食為妥。

胡椒 — 性熱,具有溫中止痛、下氣消痰、暖胃散寒的作用,適合感受風寒或淋雨後食用以驅寒;惟陰虛火旺、身體有偏熱症狀人士不宜服用。

Natural spices to relieve headache
After a full day of meetings, accidentally catching a cold, or feeling dizzy due to lack of sleep, the occasional headache may hit you. However, you may not want to take painkillers. You can try adding natural spices when cooking such as turmeric, cinnamon, and pepper. They are all natural painkillers that can relieve pain. Due to their warm nature, they are also effective for headaches caused by cold-wind flu. However, they are not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as sore throat, canker sore, pimple or those with yin deficiency with excess fire should. Dietary adjustments can be helpful. If the headache persists or is caused by an underlying issue, it is recommended to consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner.

Turmeric- warm in nature, promotes blood and qi circulation, promotes menstruation and reduces pain. Suitable for those with blood stasis and qi stagnation. As it can promote qi and blood circulation, it is not suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and ladies during menstruation.

Cinnamon- hot in nature, dispels cold and relieves pain, warms meridians and channels, warms the spleen and stomach, Suitable for those with aversion to cold, cold stomach, stomach pain, decrease in appetite. Note it is not suitable for those with yin deficiency with excess fire and heat related symptoms. 

Pepper- hot in nature, warms the body, relieves pain, reduces phlegm, warms the stomach and dispels cold. Suitable for any time you experience cold-wind or after being rained on. Note it is not suitable for those with yin deficiency with excess fire and heat related symptoms. 

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