March 19, 2020




黃豆及豆製品 — 黃豆性平,具健脾利濕功效,但大量服用容易引起胃脹不適,豆製品亦一樣,例如豆漿、豆腐、豆乾等,要注意不少素肉都是豆製品。

番薯 — 性平,有健脾胃、補氣血、通便秘的功效,但番薯含有氧化酶,腸道細菌消化時會產生氣體,容易造成胃氣、腹脹、打嗝甚至放屁。

芋頭 — 性平,能健脾胃及化痰散結,但因澱粉含量高,容易導致胃脹腹脹。

糯米 — 性溫,具補中益氣、健脾養胃、止瀉、止汗功效,糯米性質黏滯滋膩,不宜過量食用,以免滯氣引起胃脹不適。

牛奶及奶製品 — 性平,具補虛損、益肺胃、生津潤腸功效,但性質較滋膩,脾胃虛弱人士飲用容易導致消化不良、多胃氣、腹部脹滿等症狀。

有氣飲料 — 例如碳酸飲料、啤酒等含有二氧化碳,不易被腸胃消化,容易引起脹氣問題。

Avoid ingredients that can lead to abdominal bloating 
It is normal to burp after eating a full meal. But some people do not only burp after eating, they are often full of stomach qi and abdominal gas flows upward from the stomach. Besides having an asthenic and weak spleen and stomach, diet can also cause abdominal gassiness as some foods are particularly prone to cause bloating. If the spleen and stomach are asthenic and weak, eating foods that are can cause bloating often makes the situation worse. Many vegetarians eat more tofu or soya bean products because they need to absorb plant-based protein. Eating too much can also lead to bloating. It is also recommended that vegetarians drink more rice water to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach and avoid abdominal bloating and discomfort.

Soya bean and soya bean products- mild in nature, strengthens spleen and promotes diuresis. Note that eating too much may cause abdominal bloating and discomfort. Soya bean products such as soya milk, tofu, and dried tofu, are similar in nature. Note that many vegetarian meats are soya bean products.

Taro- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and reduce phlegm. Due to the high starch content, it is easy to cause abdominal bloating.

Glutinous rice- warm in nature, can replenish vital energy and nourish qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, relieve diarrhea, and relieve excessive sweating. Note that glutinous rice is more sticky and heavier, which makes it more difficult to digest. It can also lead to stagnated dampness so do not eat too much of it as that can lead to abdominal bloating. 

Sweet Potato- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and suitable for constipation relief. Note that it contains oxidase, which can produce gas when digested by intestinal bacteria then easily cause abdominal gas, bloating, burping, and even farting.

Milk and dairy products- mild in nature, can improve deficiencies, nourish the lungs and stomach, and promotesl fluid production and moisten the bowels. As they have a greasy quality, so those with an asthenic weak stomach and spleen may experience indigestion, abdominal gassiness, and abdominal bloating when drinking milk.

Fizzy drinks- such as carbonated drinks, beer, contain carbon dioxide, which is not easily digested by the stomach and intestines, can cause abdominal bloating.

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