February 23, 2017





⚇Coix Seeds Three Ways- Raw, Cooked and Pearl Barley⚇

☞Raw Coix Seeds: Cool-natured, it can help to clear the heat, nourish the spleen, and remove dampness in body. Suitable for those with phelgm and dampness or damp heat body types. Not recommended for those who are pregnant, constipated or experiencing frequent urination.

☞Cooked Coix Seeds: Neutral in nature, is raw coix seeds stir-fried and cooked. It’s mild in nature, mainly suitable for nourishing the spleen. Suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood asthenia, yang deficiency, phelgm and dampness, and damp heat body types. Not recommended for those who are pregnant.

☞Pearl Barley- Has been polished to remove the bran, suitable for nourishing the spleen and for breastmilk withdrawal. Doesn’t have much healing effects, suitable for all body types.

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