June 24, 2020





猴頭菇 — 性平,養胃健脾、助消化,適合胃脹、胃痛、噯氣泛酸、慢性胃炎,胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃癌人士食用。

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Benefits of monkey head mushroom 
“Lately I prefer to cook soup without meat. I heard monkey head mushroom is a great soup ingredient to enhance the flavor and it is good for health. But I can’t bear its bitter taste. What can I do? ”

CheckCheckCin: Monkey head mushroom is very different from other mushrooms. Most mushrooms have a smooth surface, and monkey head mushroom is covered with fine hairs. It looks like a monkey head from a distance. It is actually very helpful for digestive system symptoms. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, it is beneficial to the five internal organs, can aid digestion and strengthen the stomach and spleen. It is especially suitable for those with abdominal bloating, stomach pain, burping, acid reflux, chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and it is also suitable for patients with stomach cancer. Monkey head mushroom can be used in soups or stews. Fresh monkey head mushroom tastes sweeter but is more difficult to buy. Dry monkey head mushroom is easy to buy but has a slight biter taste. To remove the bitterness, it is recommended to fully soak it and cut the mushroom stems. Blanch after repeated scrubbing to use.

Monkey head mushroom – mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and aid digestion. It is suitable for those with abdominal bloating, stomach pain, burping, acid reflux, chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and patients with stomach cancer. 

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