November 17, 2017
都市人長期對著電腦工作,閒時又經常低頭掃手機,姿勢不當加上長時間不運動,很容易會出現「周身骨痛」,包括肩頸痛、腰背痛等。中醫理論認為除了姿勢問題,痛症都不離「不通則痛, 通則不痛」的道理。亦有可能是因為氣滯血瘀,因氣血不通而引致痛症,又或是由於身體氣血不足以濡 養肌肉。 肩頸肌肉痹痛是屬於「痹證」的範疇。踏入冬季,天氣轉涼,都市人經常進出辦公室、商場、食肆等冷氣異常冰冷的環境, 尤其公共交通工具的風口特別靠近,風勢強烈,一不留神被冷風吹過頭頸、肩背或膝蓋部位,寒氣凝聚,使局部經絡血脈運行不暢,不通則痛而成「痛痹」。此痛會隨著溫暖患部及被按摩後而症狀會減輕。 不想經常受腰痠背痛困擾?
1. 辦公室存放一件外套
2. 避免坐對準風口的位置
3. 熱敷患處
Experiencing pain everywhere all the time?
Urbanites are always staring at the computer working, or swiping away on their phones. Their posture is poor, added with lack of exercise, it can lead to pains and aches throughout the body. Chinese medicine believes aside from poor posture, pain is usually caused by congestion. Qi stagnation and blood stasis are common causes where qi and blood are congested or when there is qi and blood deficiency causing lack of nutrients in the muscles. As we enter winter, people are in and out air-conditioned places like the office, malls and restaurants, and especially on public transport where the vents may blow on you directly. If you’re not careful and cold air may blow on your neck, back or knees which causes cold air to gather, leading to congestion of meridians and channels, ultimately building up to numbness and pain. This pain will improve if those areas of pain is warmed.
Want to avoid pains?
1- have an extra jacket in the office
2- avoid sitting near air vents
3- hot compress areas of pain