April 18, 2020

【抗疫日常】Work from home心易散又無效率?


想專注投入工作,可以試試番茄鐘時間管理法(Pomodoro Technique),設定25分鐘工作時間及5分鐘休息時間為一個番茄鐘,先羅列當日需要處理的工作,及預計需要多少個番茄鐘去完成。25分鐘工作時間只專注做計劃裡的工作,時間到了就休息,然後再繼續下一個番茄鐘的工作。亦有人會集中工作25分鐘,然後用5分鐘回覆電郵,這樣確保能有效工作的同時又能與外界定時保持聯繫。如果家中有小朋友,計劃好自己的工作日程後,再擬定小朋友在不同番茄鐘的任務/遊戲/活動,這樣大人小朋友都有各自的活動時間和空間了。
為甚麼這種時間管理法叫做番茄鐘?其實是因為創立這種時間管理法的意大利人Francesco Cirillo,當初用了一個番茄型計時器去計時,名字就這樣定下來了。

Pomodoro Technique
Many people are working from home against the wave of COVID-19. There are two major problems when working at home. First, there are too many distractions around such as the bed, sofa and TV. You may get distracted and find it tempting to give up working. Second, there are too many interferences. Unless you are living alone, there are always other family members at home. If there is a child, the problem is even worse. They always want adults to play with them.
If you want to focus on your work, you can try the Pomodoro Technique. Set a 25-minute working time and a 5-minute rest time as one Pomodoro. List the tasks that need to be processed that day and how many Pomodoros are expected to be completed. Each 25-minute work time should be spent on the planned work, rest when the time is up, and then continue to the work of the next Pomodoro. Someone may concentrate on working for 25 minutes and then reply to emails during the 5 minutes. This will ensure that they can work effectively while maintaining regular contact with other people. If there are kids at home, plan your work first, then schedule their task, game or activity in different Pomodoros, so that adults and kids have their own time and space for activities.
Why is this time management method called Pomodoro Technique? In fact, an Italian, Francesco Cirillo, created this time management method, used a tomato shaped timer to count the time, and the name was set.

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