April 8, 2018
女士們最愛收花!環保一點,有否想過送贈花茶以取代鮮花?玫瑰花、洋甘菊以外,桂花的花香也十分討人喜愛!其所散發的香氣,除可紓緩緊張情緒,也有提神醒腦的功效,能驅趕 Blue Monday 不在狀態的模式。性溫味辛的桂花,更具溫肺散寒兼具美容功效,非常實用。
Three ways to use sweet osmanthus
Ladies love to receive flowers! But to be more environmental, ever considered giving floral tea instead of actual flowers? Aside from rose and camomile, the aroma from sweet osmanthus is also very attractive! The aroma can also help to relieve stress and awaken your mind to kick those Monday blues. Sweet osmanthus is warm in nature, and can warm the lungs and dispel cold as well as improve skin, quite a practical treat.
Method 1: Sweet osmanthus dessert soup with sweet potatoes
Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes, 80g (about 2 catty) fresh lotus seeds, 1 teaspoon sweet osmanthus, rock sugar to taste
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly, peel and cut sweet potatoes into pieces. Steep sweet osmanthus with 500ml of water for 10 minutes, separate the filling for later use. Cook sweet potatoes and lotus seeds with 1000ml of water on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 40-45 minutes until soft, then add in rock sugar and sweet osmanthus.
Effects: calms the mind. Relieves mental and emotional stress.
Method 2: Stress relieve eye mask
Ingredients: 6g rose, 6g osmanthus, 6g green tea
Preparation: put all ingredients into tea bag and soak slightly in hot water. Remove water and put in fridge for 30 minutes, then place on eyes for 5-10 minutes.
Effects: Alleviates dark eye circles and eye fatigue.
Method 3: Oolong tea with sweet osmanthus
Ingredients: 3g sweet osmanthus, 1 dried citrus peel, 6g oolong tea
Preparation: steep in hot water for 5 minutes
Effects: relieves stress and regulates qi. Relieves stress related abdominal discomfort.