August 2, 2023



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Is coughing at midnight always due to a cold?

There is a popular belief that if you keep coughing in the middle of the night, it must be a cold cough. However, it is not necessarily the case! Traditional Chinese medicine differentiates cough types based on their symptoms.

A cold cough, also known as a wind-cold cough, is characterized by throat discomfort, white-colored phlegm, nasal congestion, runny nose, and relatively clear nasal discharge. It is often caused by exposure to wind and cold.

To relieve a cold cough, it is recommended to dispel wind and eliminate cold, soothe the lungs, and stop coughing. One can consume moderate amounts of ingredients with warming properties to disperse cold, soothe the lungs, resolve phlegm, and stop coughing. Examples of such ingredients include raw ginger, scallion whites, coriander, dried citrus peel, garlic, and perilla leaves.

Purple perilla tea with ginger
Effects: promotes perspiration, warms the lungs and relieves cough, strengthens the spleen and warms the stomach, dispels cold and activates blood.
Ingredients: 2 purple perilla tea leaves, 4 slices of raw gingers, brown sugar to taste
Preparation: Peel and cut raw gingers into slices. Pound them with the back of a knife. Put them with purple perilla into thermos. Steep with hot water for 10 minutes and add brown sugar to taste. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens.

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