December 11, 2020




– 不宜在空肚、過飽、喝酒及運動後立即浸溫泉,運動後宜休息一小時或以上才浸。
– 患高血壓、心臟病、糖尿病、濕疹人士浸溫泉前宜先諮詢專業意見;風熱型感冒人士及孕婦不宜浸溫泉。
– 宜慢慢下水,先浸腳和膝頭部份,適應後慢慢浸上身。
– 浸溫泉時間不宜超過15分鐘,如出現不適感例如頭暈、胸痛應立即停止;體質偏寒、手腳冰冷人士浸溫泉時間可較長;偏熱體質人士浸溫泉時間宜縮短。
– 離開水後應立即抹乾身體及穿回衣服。
– 浸溫泉後皮膚較為乾燥,宜塗抹潤膚霜補濕。
– 浸溫泉會令身體出汗,浸後宜飲用暖和飲品補充水份。

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Tips to enjoy home-made hot spring
Many people view Japan as a country famous for its countryside and would put it on their travel plan. Enjoying a hot spring, or onsen in Japanese, is definitely on their to-do list. Now that we are unable to travel due to the pandemic, why not enjoy a hot spring in your home!

All you need is the hot spring bathing agent, as its composition is similar to that of an onsen. You can choose the color and fragrance as you wish, and could even be more spoilt for choice, as some of the products might use famous onsen destinations as their selling point.

You can select your bathing agent based on the benefits stated in the product description as well. Some of the benefits are to relieve fatigue, brighten the skin, improve blood circulation and kill germs and bacteria. Read the labels to understand how to use the product and how much to use. Excessive usage could irritate sensitive skin. Here are some tips for you to prepare an enjoyable hot spring at home!

DIY hot spring tips:
– Avoid using the hot spring with an empty or a full stomach; should also avoid using after exercising or drinking alcohol; take an hour break after your workout, then you can enjoy the hot spring.
– Individuals with hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes and eczema should seek medical advice before using a hot spring; those with a common cold with wind-heat syndrome, and pregnant women should avoid.
– Start by submerging the feet and knees in the water, followed by the upper part of the body.
– Do not spend over 15 minutes in the hot spring; get out of the water if you experience discomfort such as dizziness and chest pain; individuals with a cold body condition can stay slightly longer than those with a heat body condition.
– Wipe the body dry after completing the session before putting clothes on.
– It is good to apply moisturizer to the body, as our skin would turn dry after spending some time in the hot spring.
– Hot spring will cause us to sweat, so it is good to drink some warm beverages to rehydrate the body.

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