March 16, 2020





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Tea remedies to relieve common stomach pain
When you experience sudden stomach pain, you may take medicine to resolve it. There are many causes of stomach pain. From Chinese medicine perspective, there are three common causes of acute stomach pain: 1. Indigestion- from sudden overeating or eating oily or too much spicy foods. Your stomach cannot digest the food which can cause stomach pain. 2. Liver and qi stagnation- this is related to busy work and stress. Disruption of qi flow increases burden of spleen and stomach and can cause stomach pain. 3. Stomach invaded by cold air- frequent consumption of cold/raw food or catching a cold-wind flu. When cold air invades the stomach, that can cause stomach pain that require you to warm the stomach and dispel cold. You can choose herbal tea according to your symptoms. If symptoms persist or are severe, you should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner

. Indigestion.
Symptoms: stomach pain and bloating, prone to burping, excessive abdominal gas with odor, nausea, pain reduced after vomiting, difficulty passing stool and sticky poo
Tea remedy: Millet sprout tea with malt and dried citrus peel
Effects: promotes qi and aids digestion, relieves symptoms such as indigestion, bloating and discomfort due to poor eating habits
Ingredients: 10g malt, 10g millet sprout, 3g dried citrus peel
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15-20 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days for two weeks.
Note: This tea is not suitable for ladies who are breastfeeding as malt can decrease breastmilk supply.

.Liver and qi stagnation .
Symptoms: stomach pain and bloating, chest fullness, belching, frequent sighing or acid reflux
Tea remedy: floral tea to destress
Effects: promotes qi and relieves stress, relieves symptoms such as stomach pain, headache and difficulty passing stool due to liver and qi stagnation 
Ingredients: a little amount of rose, China rose, sweet osmanthus, fingered citron 
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 5 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days for a week.
Note: As rose can improve blood circulation, it is not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women.
>> Purchase Warming Herbal Tea at our stores or inbox us: <<

.Stomach invaded by cold air.
Symptoms: severe stomach pain, aversion to cold which can be accompanied by stomach pain, pain is relieved after having hot drinks, pain increases after having cold drinks
Tea remedy: ginger tea to warm the stomach
Effects: dispels cold and warms the stomach, relieves stomach pain and aversion to cold due to cold air invasion 
Ingredients: 6g dried ginger, 6g longan, 2g cinnamon, 1 dried citrus peel, appropriate amount of brown sugar
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients except brown sugar thoroughly and place into thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15-20 minutes. Add brown sugar to taste. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days for a week.
Note: Not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu.
>> Purchase Warming Herbal Tea at our stores or inbox us: <<

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