December 16, 2021




雜果沙律 ❌ 身體偏寒人士 ⭕ 身體偏熱人士
刺身/壽司 ❌ 身體偏寒人士 ⭕ 身體偏熱人士
咖喱魚蛋 ⭕ 身體偏寒人士 ❌ 身體偏熱人士
瑞士雞翼 ⭕ 身體偏寒人士 ❌ 身體偏熱人士
春卷/咖喱角 ⭕ 身體偏寒人士 ❌ 身體偏熱人士

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How to choose the right food for parties?
We often indulge in sumptuous meals during a party. How should we choose what to eat? The best way is to eat according to our body constitution. 

For instance, individuals with symptoms such as cold limbs, pale complexion, excessive sweating, pain in a specific part of the body during a cold and windy weather, and loose stools are people with a cold body constitution. Hence, they should avoid eating raw salad, sashimi, sushi, ice-cream, and chilled drinks.

Those with symptoms such as flushed complexion, dry eyes, sore throat, canker sore, acne, yellow urine, and dry stools are people with a heaty body. They should avoid eating spicy and deep fried foods as well as chicken, mutton and curry. 

Classic party foods:
Fruit salad  ❌ cold body constitution  ⭕ hot body constitution
Sashimi/sushi  ❌ cold body constitution  ⭕ hot body constitution
Curry fishball  ⭕ cold body constitution  ❌ hot body constitution
Chicken wing in Swiss soy sauce  ⭕ cold body constitution  ❌ hot body constitution
Spring roll/currypuff  ⭕ cold body constitution  ❌ hot body constitution

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