March 2, 2018




1. 燃點艾條
2. 由大腳趾至膝蓋內側,小腿內側來回暖薰2-3次。左右腳重複。
3. 由大拇指至手關節,前臂內側來回暖薰2-3次。左右手重複。
4. 慢慢來會艾灸,稍微有點暖暖的就要移動,以免燙傷。

#男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛 #手腳冰冷 #氣虛 #血虛

Say goodbye to cold limbs
When someone doesn’t have enough yang qi, the qi and blood are unable to keep hands and feet warm. This is a time to use moxibustion to warm the body. Moxa is made with mugwort leaf, and it helps to warm the merdians, promote blood circulation, relieve bruising and dispel dampness. After the warmth of moxa, the skin has partial increase of blood circulation and improves metabolism. It is important to be careful not to burn your skin.
1. Light the moxa
2. From your big toe to inner knee, to your inner calves, go back and forth with warm smoke for 2-3 times. Repeat on both legs.
3. From your thumb to joint of your hands to inner forearm, go back and forth with warm smoke for 2-3 times. Repeat on both arms.
4. Use moxibustion slowly and move when you feel the warm to avoid burns.



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