March 1, 2018



天氣乍暖還寒,晚上作有點小涼,而且又潮濕,人自然會想吃點辣。中醫理論認為辛香料都有驅寒袪濕的功效,這時候又怎少得麻辣火鍋?街外吃到的麻辣火鍋和即食麻辣湯底大部分都太辣且太油,增味劑又多,實在不宜多吃,所以今天教大家自家製一個小小的麻辣火鍋,讓大家在這種潮濕的天氣下袪濕一下,又可過過口癮!對於畏寒的女性來說,偶爾來一點麻辣,更可驅走宮寒。想兩人前簡易在家浪漫吃火鍋,又想配合別緻的家居,最好是用上一個粉色又小巧的Bruno Grill Pot,麻辣火鍋也可以很文青!


做法:Grill Pot調大火燒熱後加少許油爆香辛香料,最後加入辣椒,待辣椒變色時加少量料酒、豆瓣醬及辣椒油炒香,再注入適量上湯調小火熬5至10分鐘,可按喜好加入南瓜、蘑菇等令湯底更香濃。

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Light weight spicy hotpot
When the weather is cool, some people may want spicy food. In a similar manner, when your body is cold, eating some hot-natured food can help. Chinese medicine believes that spicy seasonings can help to dispel cold so spicy hot pot is something to consider. Restaurant or instant spicy hot pot soup base are usually too spicy and too oily with too much flavor enhancement, so you shouldn’t eat too much of those! Today we introduce to you a homemade spicy hotpot so you can dispel cold and dampness in this damp and cool weather. For ladies who have aversion to cold, the occasional spicy food can also dispel uterus cold. If you want to have a romantic hot pot for two at home, try using the pink and petite Bruno Grill Pot!
Ingredients: Sichuan peppers, star anise, fennel, clove, cumin, black cardamom, spring onion, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers (choose according to your personal preference between dried chili or cone peppers), little bit of cooking wine, douban sauce, chili oil, broth
Preparation: Turn your Grill Pot to high and add some oil to fry spices and add in peppers at the end. Once the peppers change colors, add in cooking wine, douban sauce, and chili oil. Finally add in broth and turn to low heat to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add in pumpkin or mushrooms based on personal preference to make soup base more flavorful.

BRUNO Hot Plate – Hong Kong



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