June 3, 2019
❄身體偏寒的表現:怕冷、手腳冰冷、臉色蒼白、 身體局部疼痛、大便稀爛
寒涼 — 小麥、薏米
平和 — 白米、紅米、糙米、小米、燕麥、芝麻
溫熱 — 糯米/黑糯米/紫米
寒涼 — 冬瓜、白菜、苦瓜、老黃瓜、青/白蘿蔔、菠菜、茄子、番茄
平和 — 菜心、節瓜、佛手瓜、椰菜、西蘭花/椰菜花、豆角、紅蘿蔔、粟米、薯仔、芋頭、番薯、蓮藕
溫熱 — 韭菜、芫茜、南瓜、薑、蔥、辣椒、蒜頭、洋蔥
寒涼 — 西瓜、橙、香蕉、奇異果、士多啤梨、柚子、梨子、蜜瓜/哈蜜瓜、火龍果
平和 — 蘋果、木瓜、紅/葡萄、檸檬、牛油果、菠蘿、無花果
溫熱 — 榴槤、水蜜桃、荔枝、桂圓/龍眼、芒果、車厘子
寒涼 — 鴨、田雞
平和 — 豬、鵝、鵪鶉
溫熱 — 牛、羊
寒涼 — 蟹、蜆、蟶子、響螺、花蛤
平和 — 三文魚、鱸魚、鮑魚、鰻魚、蠔、海膽、海蜇
溫熱 — 蝦、青口、海參
Get to know the nature concept of your food
Chinese medicine has a theory of “four natures and five tastes”. It means that medicine and food are categorized into cold, cool, warm and hot, and then mild which is not cold nor hot and they form the “five natures”. It is said that “nourishing the body by eating food is better than taking medicine.” Understanding the nature of food helps us to understand how to nourish the body. Chinese medicine has the theory that cold and cool natured ingredients can clear heat, nourish yin and promote fluid production. It is suitable for those with heat-like symptoms or with excessive yang qi to eat. Warm and hot natured ingredients have the effect of replenishing and dispelling cold. It is suitable for those with cold-like symptoms or with less yang qi. Everyone can eat ingredients that are mild in nature.
Besides body condition, the food nature should also be matched with the four-season climate. In the cold season, eat cold and cool food less. In the hot season, eat less warm and hot food to match the “nature and humanity” view of Chinese medicine.
?Those with heat-like symptoms: dry mouth, dry eyes, sore throats, canker sores, pimples, constipation
❄Those with cold-like symptoms: fear of cold, cold hands and feet, pale face, body pain, loose stools
Nature of common food
Cold and cool- wheat, coix seeds
Mild- white rice, red rice, brown rice, millet, oatmeal, sesame
Warm and hot- glutinous rice / black glutinous rice / purple rice
Cold and cool – winter melon, cabbage, bitter gourd, old cucumber, white radish, spinach, eggplant, tomato
Mild – choy sum, hairy gourd, chayote, cabbage, broccoli, beans, carrots, corn, potato, taro, sweet potato, lotus root
Warm and hot- chives, cilantro, pumpkin, ginger, chili, garlic, onion
Cold and cool – watermelon, orange, banana, kiwi, strawberry, yuzu, pear, melon/ Hami melon, dragon fruit
Mild- apple, papaya, red/grape, lemon, avocado, pineapple, fig
Warm and hot- durian, peach, lychee, dried longan, mango, cherry
Cold and cool – duck, frog
Mild- pork, goose, quail
Warm and hot- beef, lamb
Cold and cool – crab, clam, razor clam, sea conch, venus clam
Mild- salmon, striped bass, abalone, eel, oyster, sea urchin, jellyfish
Warm and hot- shrimp, mussel, sea cucumber