December 26, 2019
來到Boxing day,聖誕餘溫仍然熾熱,大家仍沉醉在聖誕派對和美食當中,餐桌上除了必備的火雞和蜜汁火腿,少不了一杯暖暖的Mulled Wine香料酒或香料茶,外國人慶祝聖誕用上不少香料,原理和我們冬天飲用薑茶暖身差不多吧,因為所使的丁香、肉桂、八角、肉荳蔻等香料屬性溫熱,味道芳香之餘亦有理氣解鬱及開胃作用,能令人在節日心情更愉快。
丁香 — 性溫,具有溫胃散寒,開胃進食,暖腎強腰作用。適合胃寒嘔吐、反胃呃逆、胃寒腹痛、腎陽不足、子宮虛冷陰痛者食用;惟注意胃熱嘔逆者、陰虛內熱及有偏熱症狀者如喉嚨痛、口瘡、暗瘡者勿吃。
肉桂 — 性熱,能溫中散寒,暖脾胃,溫經通脈。適合怕冷、手腳發冷、胃寒、寒性月經不適等。注意身體有偏熱症狀如陰虛火旺、痔瘡、大便乾燥、孕婦不宜服用。
八角 — 又名大茴香,性溫,具散寒溫陽、溫腎暖肝、理氣開胃功效,適合胃寒呃逆、腎虛腰痛者食用;惟注意陰虛火旺、糖尿病、目赤腫痛者不宜多吃。
肉荳蔻 — 性溫,有澀腸止瀉,溫中行氣功效。適用於脾腎虛寒久瀉、脾胃虛寒,久瀉不止、胃寒脹痛者,能夠溫中暖脾;惟注意濕熱瀉痢者忌用。
Christmas spices to warm your body and mind
Boxing day is here. You still can feel Christmas in the air. Everyone is still enjoying the Christmas parties and gourmet food. In addition to the necessary turkey and honey ham on the table, a warm Mulled Wine or spice tea is a must have. Foreigners would add many spices into the Christmas meal, the principle is similar to ginger tea in winter to warm the body. The nature of spices such as clove, cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg is hot. In addition to the flavor and aroma, it also can regular qi, reduce stress and stimulate appetite. It makes people happier during the festivities.
Clove- warm in nature, can warm the stomach, dispel cold, stimulate appetite, warm the kidney, strengthen waist. It is suitable for those who suffer from vomiting due to cold stomach, nausea, hiccups, abdominal pain due to cold stomach, insufficient kidney yang qi, and asthenic cold uterus pain. Those with vomiting due to heat in stomach, yin deficiency, heat-related symptoms such as sore throat, canker sore, pimple should not eat.
Cinnamon- hot in nature, can warm the body, dispel cold, warm the spleen, stomach and meridians. It is suitable for those with aversion to cold, cold limbs, cold stomach, cold type of menstrual discomfort. It is not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as yin deficiency, hemorrhoids, dry stools and for pregnant women.
Star anise- warm in nature, can dispel cold, warm the yang, kidneys and liver, regulate qi and stimulate appetite, and is suitable for those with cold stomach, hiccups, asthenic weak kidney and lower back pain. Those with yin deficiency, diabetes, eye redness and pain should not eat too much.
Nutmeg- warm in nature, can relieve diarrhea, warm the body and regulate qi. It is suitable for those with long-term diarrhea due to asthenic weak spleen and kidneys, cold stomach and pain. It can warm the body and spleen. But those with damp-heat diarrhea should not eat.