October 20, 2020
⭕ 上衣以鬆身衫為主,宜快乾透氣,寧薄不要厚,可隨時增減衣物調節體溫
⭕ 輕便長褲
⭕ 鞋底坑紋較深、鞋底較硬的行山鞋
⭕ 大小合適的襪,保護雙腳免起水泡
⭕ 能覆蓋耳朵和後頸的太陽帽
⭕ 能阻擋紫外線的太陽眼鏡
⭕ 防風輕便外套
⭕ 輕身防水背包,宜有腰部扣帶減輕背部負荷
⭕ 行山杖
⭕ 地圖、指南針
⭕ 行山相關Apps
⭕ 雨傘
⭕ 毛巾
⭕ 乾糧
⭕ 飲用水
⭕ 防曬用品
⭕ 防蚊用品
⭕ 急救包
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Hiking gears checklist
Many youngsters have enjoyed hiking recently, wearing singlets and short pants might be quite a sight to behold but they are not without hazards. Wearing singlets only might cause sunburn, attract mosquitoes and bugs, and heatstroke that can drain the fluid in the body; wearing short pants might also hurt your legs when you hike through the short bushes.
Even a pair of ordinary sport shoes might not be suitable for hiking, as they lack of support and the anti-slip properties. When hiking, carry along a trekking pole, so you can distribute the weight of items you carry and reduce the burden on your feet.
Let’s go through the checklist below to ensure you are well-prepared:
⭕ Shirts that are loose and can dry easily; those with thin fabric is better than the thick ones, as they can reduce the weight and regulate the body temperature
⭕ Long and lightweight track bottom
⭕ Hiking shoes with good thick and anti-slip outsole
⭕ Socks of the proper size to prevent blisters
⭕ A sun hat that covers the ears and the back of the neck
⭕ A pair of sunglasses that has anti-UV properties
⭕ A lightweight windbreaker
⭕ Lightweight waterproof backpack, preferably with a waist strap to support the weight
⭕ Trekking pole
⭕ Map and compass
⭕ Hiking-related apps
⭕ Umbrella
⭕ Towel
⭕ Snacks
⭕ Drinking water
⭕ Sunscreen
⭕ Insect repellant
⭕ first-aid kit
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