June 18, 2017



中醫理論認為「腋臭漏液,皆先天濕鬱病也」,除了天生遺傳問題外,多吃刺激性食物,辛辣或肥膩重口味飲食都容易將自己體質調節成濕熱型。這種體質人士體味特別濃烈,汗腋會有臭氣,多伴隨胸悶、無胃口、口苦、身體困倦、小便偏黃、量少等。洗澡後,如果沒搽上適合自己的止汗劑,轉個頭又會再散發濃烈體臭。小貼士:這個情況,千萬不要噴上濃烈香水以為能把狐臭蓋住,因為只會提升了整體的異味指數。首先還是要處理好根本問題── 從生活及飲食習慣上作出少少改變:少吃肉、煎炸油膩、咖哩、辛辣、甚至果仁都不宜過量進食。

Can’t escape Mr B.O
It’s bad enough to feel the Monday blues when returning to work after weekends, but when you are in a cramped bus, minibus or MTR without seats and have to stand next to someone with strong body odor holding their hands up high to hold on to the railing, the blues suddenly became so much stronger! You take a further look at the source of the odor and it is actually someone who’s quite well put together and just makes one wonder, why do people have such strong body odor just after a good clean up in the mornings?
Chinese medicine theory sates that “smelly and sweaty bodies are innately damp”. Aside from innate body characteristics, eating stimulating food, spicy, greasy and heavy flavoured foods also leads to a damp heat body type. This type of body constitution have especially strong body odor, smelly sweat, and usually accompanied by tight chest, lack of appetite, bitterness in taste, fatigue, yellowish and scanty urine. After bath, if antiperspirant is not applied quickly, strong body odor will be present quickly again. A small tip, in these situations, it’s not helpful to try to spray strong perfumes to cover the smell as it will just create additional layer of odd smell. It is still important to deal with the basis of the issue- try making simple dietary changes such as eating less meat, fried and greasy foods, curry, spicy and even nuts should be avoided.

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