
November 10, 2023


1. 所有材料洗淨,雪耳浸泡至軟身;雪梨連皮去芯切塊;紅蘿蔔去皮切塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

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Snow pear and snow fungus moisturizing soup

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, almonds are believed to have a lung-moisturizing effect, making them especially suitable for consumption during dry autumn and winter seasons. Both sweet and bitter almonds can be blended with water to make almond juice and soup or prepare almond tofu and egg white almond tea using almond powder.

We can also pair them with ingredients like snow pears, snow fungus, American ginseng, lily bulbs, honey, radix adenophorae、radix ophiopogonis、radix polygonatum. All of these ingredients have lung-moisturizing effects and can nourish the yin, enhancing the moisturizing benefits.

Snow pear and snow fungus soup
Benefits: Nourish yin and relieve dryness. Relieves dry skin, dry lips, constipation caused by dry weather.
Ingredients: 2 pears, 1 ear snow fungus, 1 carrot、15g radix adenophorae, 15g radix polygonatum, 3 dried figs, 20g sweet and bitter almonds
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak the snow fungus until it becomes soft. Core unpeeled pear and cut into pieces. Peel the carrot and cut into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.

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November 9, 2023


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The golden ratio of Sweet and Bitter almonds

When making soups, both sweet and bitter almonds are often used. Why mix these two types of almonds? This is because bitter almonds contain a mild toxin, so they are generally not used on their own. They are usually mixed with sweet almonds, with a ratio of at least 1:1, and sometimes even 4:1 (sweet almonds: bitter almonds). If you are buying bitter almonds raw, then remember to cook them thoroughly in boiling water.

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November 7, 2023

【冬季特飲 —— 核桃夕米水】


Hot $36/Cold $38(我狀態OK/強身)


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November 7, 2023




- 門市及網頁購買【黑眼圈】可享八折優惠
- 優惠只限2023年11月8日至9日

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Today marks the beginning of winter and it's the first solar term of winter. The weather becomes cold, everything is hidden, and some animals enter hibernation to prepare for spring. Humans don't hibernate, but the human body also adapts to nature and metabolism is relatively slower. Hence, the main point of healthy living is to nourish yin and protect yang. At this time, you should move less, to consume less qi and sweat less. Change strenuous exercise to easy jogging, stretching or yoga. You can enjoy the sunlight to raise yang qi, go to bed early and get up late.

There's often the saying that you should have more tonic food in winter to strengthen your body. However, Hong Kong has a southern climate. The weather is still not cold at the beginning of winter. It is more suitable to nourish our spleen and stomach before eating tonic food. We can moderately consume white rice, congee, coix seeds, Chinese yam and sweet potato. Drinking a cup of rice water daily. Also, we can consume foods that are good for essence and kidney such as black sesame seeds, chestnuts, walnuts, etc.

Healthy living during the Beginning of Winter Solar Term:
“Nourish yin and protect yang qi. Nourish the kidneys and preserve vital energy.”

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November 7, 2023


南杏(sweet almonds) — 又稱甜杏仁,外觀大而扁,性平,有潤肺、潤腸通便功效,尤其適合肺氣虛弱人士飲用。感冒未清者、容易反覆腹瀉者都不適合食用。

北杏(bitter almonds) — 又稱苦杏仁,主要為入藥用途,外觀小而厚,味苦,有少毒,有袪痰止咳、平喘及潤腸的功效;治外感咳嗽、氣喘的功效較強,亦能紓緩便秘症狀。因帶有少許毒性,切忌服用生或未經處理的北杏。

堅果杏仁(almonds) — 又名巴旦杏,是扁桃或巴旦杏的種子,體積比南北杏大得多。屬性平和,有潤肺及潤腸的功效,多作為堅果零食或食材之用。

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How to differentiate between almonds?
Sweet almonds vs Bitter almonds vs Almonds

Almonds are excellent for lung moisturization during autumn. However, almonds can be categorized into sweet almonds, bitter almonds, and nut-form almonds. What are the differences?

Chinese culinary techniques often employ both sweet and bitter almonds in dishes like soups, almond tea, almond tofu, and more. Nut-form almonds with their skin are commonly found in Western desserts and snacks.

Sweet almonds - they look larger than bitter almonds. They are mild in nature and can moisten the lungs and bowels, and relieve constipation. They are especially suitable for those with weak lung qi. They are not suitable for those recovering from a cold or flu, or those prone to diarrhea.

Bitter almonds - they look smaller and thicker than sweet almonds. Mainly used medicinally. They taste bitter and naturally contain small amounts of toxins. They can relieve phlegm, cough and wheezing as well as moisten the bowels. They are effective in treating external coughs and help to relieve constipation as well. Due to the toxins, do not eat them raw or unprocessed.

Almonds - also known as baadaam, and they are much larger than sweet and bitter almonds. They are mild in nature and can moisten the lungs and bowels. Typically almonds are eaten as snacks or used as a cooking ingredient.

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November 6, 2023


OHR Grand Hyatt x CheckCheckCin
秋日安神茶- 洋甘菊桃花茶
材料:洋甘菊、蜜桃 、桃花、桂圓、紅棗

Autumn Zen - Chamomile Peach Blossom Tea
Ingredients: Chamomile, Peach, Peach blossom, Longan, Red date
Effects: Calms nerve and relax mind

@checkcheckcin #grandhyatt #oneharbourroad #checkcheckcin #herbaltea #chamomile #peachblossom #autumnremedy

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