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Body Quiz

Take our 2-minute questionnaire to find out what your body type is.

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How’s your sensitivity to temperature?


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How’s your perspiration?


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How’s your complexion and skin condition? (select any that apply)



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How’s your complexion and skin condition? (select any that apply)



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How’s your complexion and skin condition? (select any that apply)

Skin condition


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How’s your body?


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How’s your mental state? (select any that apply)?


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How’s your bowel movement ? (select any that apply)


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How’s your urine? (select any that apply)


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Appetite and sense of taste (select any of the following that apply)

Sense of taste


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Appetite and sense of taste (select any of the following that apply)



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Do you have any of the following chest and abdominal symptoms? (select any that apply)


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Have you experienced any of the following conditions? (select any of the following that apply)


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How’s your menstruation? (select any that apply)

Menstrual Cycle


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How’s your menstruation? (select any that apply)

Menstrual blood


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How’s your menstruation? (select any that apply)

Menstrual cramps


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How’s your menstruation? (select any that apply)

Headaches and dizziness


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How’s your menstruation? (select any that apply)

Other symptoms and skin conditions


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Vaginal discharge


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Qi Stagnation

Qi Stagnation- Poor blood circulation with stagnated liver qi

1. Depression
2. Distracted
3. Frequent sighing
4. Frequent burping or farting
5. Ladies will have bloated pain in the breast before menstruation; men may experience testicular pain.
6. Occasional chest tightness and pain
7. Irregular bowel movement, sometimes constipated and sometimes stool will be loose
8. Inadvertently dry cough, feeling of something stuck in the throat that cannot be swallowed.

1. High expectation of oneself
2. Under a lot of pressure
3. People who overthink or are always anxious

Blood Stasis

Poor blood circulation that is retained in the merdians
Veins under the tongue are dark purple

1. Prone to body pain that are sharp and pain locations are fixed
2. Dark eye circles
3. Dull complexion
4. Purplish lips with a purple outline of lip line
5. Easily scarred from pimples or bug bites
6. Prone to bruising
7. Ladies will have blood clots or pain during menstruation, some may have amenorrhea
8. Prone to Varicose veins

1. Stressed over long period of time
2. Starts with qi stagnation constitution
3. Like to consume cold and raw foods

Phlegm and dampness

Poor fluid circulation that causes phlegm and dampness retention in the body
Coating of tongue has a layer of white and damp layer, like a thin layer of mashed tofu is on the tongue.

1. Round body shape, soft/loose muscles
2. Decrease of appetite
3. Excessive sweating that is sticky
4. Sensitive to temperature change, aversion to cold and heat
5. Prone to tightness in chest
6. Sticky feeling in the mouth with lots of phlegm
7. Fatigue
8. Ladies with vaginal discharge that is white or clear, high volume, odorless
9. Watery stool, not exceptionally smelly

1. Poor dietary habits- may over eat or have meals irregularly
2. Like to consume cold and raw foods
3. Likes sweets

Damp heat

Fluids and pathogenic heat become retained in the body, constitution with strong body odor
Reddish tongue with yellowish coating

1. Aversion to heat, prone to sweating
2. Bitterness in taste or dry mouth
3. Prone to tightness in chest, abdominal bloating
4. Feeling of heaviness in the body, no amount of sleep feel sufficient
5. Yellowish urine, low in urine
6. Exceptionally smelly stool
7. Oily face, prone to pimples and acne
8. Dry or red eyes
9. Ladies’vaginal discharge is yellowish with strong odor
10. Excessive yellowish sweating in the armpits
11. Strong body odor, bad breath or smelly feet

1. Frequent consumption of alcohol, coffee and milk tea
2. Frequently spicy, oily and heavy flavored foods

Qi deficiency

Lack of qi, low volume and lack of breath
Tongue when extended is larger than mouth with teeth marks on the edge.

1. Bloated face, pale complexion without shine
2. Prone to dizziness
3. Shortness of breath, low volume, lack of strength when speaking
4. Prone to colds and flus
5. Lack of appetite
6. Fatigue
7. Abdominal bloating
8. Excessive sweating
9. Heart palpitations with occasional feelings of fear
10. Difficulty passing stool, sometimes constipated, stool texture is soft

1. Innate deficiency, post surgery or illness
2. Poor dietary habits
3. Overworked and over thinking
4. Chronic lack of exercise or over-exercise

Blood asthenia

Pale person with insufficient blood
Tongue coating is pale

1. Heart palpitations with occasional feelings of fear
2. Prone to dizziness, light headedness
3. Pale complexion without shine, pale lips
4. Prone to hair loss
5. Prone to brittle nails
6. Numbness in limbs that improve with exercise
7. Dry and itchy skin
8. Irregular menstruation, low volume, light red, sometimes even menopause

1. Chronic qi deficiency
2. Over-exercise or exhausted, chronic illness
3. Long periods of concentration, and longtime exposure to computer monitors

Yin deficiency

Skinny and dry type
Tongue is red and thin, lack of coating or cracks on top of tongue.

1. Dry eyes
2. Dry mouth, thirst cannot be quenched with fluids
3. Dry skin, slim body
4. Hotness in face, night sweats
5. Palm of hands and feet and chest are hot
6. Yellowish urine
7. Dry lumpy stool, to the point of constipation

1. Frequent late nights, post surgery or chronic illness
2. Depressed and emotional
3. Prefer spicy foods

Yang deficiency

Lack of yang qi, aversion to cold
Tongue when extended is larger than mouth with teeth marks on the edge, coating is wet and moist.

1. Cold limbs and body
2. Tastelessness in mouth, no desire to drink water
3. Aversion to cold
4. Sleepy, lack of energy
5. Prone to diarrhea in the early mornings
6. Excess perspiration, even when body is still or after small amounts of exercise
7. High volume of urine
8. Loose stool with undigested food remaining
9. Bloated body

1. Innate deficiency, post surgery, chronic illness or long term qi deficiency
2. Poor dietary habits, frequent consumption of cold and raw foods
3. Overworked and exhaustion, over thinking


Worthy of Recommendation

Average 4.75

946 Testimonial

Barbara Chan


Tang Y*** M***

你好, 我是乳癌患者(3期) 當知道患此病時, 心情很低落,很擔心做化療,電療,標靶藥時,自己是否很辛苦和吃到嘢,嘔,很擔心和很傍徨,... More


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Jac***** C***

I have been having period pain ever since I started having period. It could get really serious to the point I could faint. Recent years I have had this pre-period pain that is so painful and... More

Leung S***

自從2022年9月確診covid至今3個多月以來,我未曾停過喝米水!除了滋養喉嚨和腸胃,也改善了睡眠質量。現在精神明顯比以前更好,臉色也有很大的改... More



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