February 4, 2019




年糕 — 主要材料:糯米及紅糖或黑糖,糯米性溫,具補中益氣、健脾養胃、止虛汗的作用,適合怕冷、多汗、血虛頭暈者食用,但容易胃脹、感冒、濕疹、痛症患者不宜進食。

蘿蔔糕 — 主要材料:白蘿蔔,性涼,有清熱利尿、健胃消滯、化痰止咳等功效,適合食滯、消化不良、胃脹不適人士食用。惟氣虛體弱及虛喘氣短者不宜食用,但添加過多臘肉的相對油膩,也要多加注意。

芋頭糕 — 主要材料:芋頭,性平,具健脾胃及化痰散結功效,適合氣虛及有習慣性便秘人士食用。由於澱粉質含量較高,容易胃脹腹脹人士建議少吃。

馬蹄糕 — 主要材料:馬蹄,性寒,具清熱生津、開胃消食、化痰利水功效,適合怕熱、喉嚨痛、宿醉人士食用。月經期間、胃寒及糖尿病人不宜多吃。

桂花糕 — 主要材料:桂花,性溫,具溫肺散寒、暖胃止痛的功效,有助紓緩緊張情緒及提神醒腦,適合有噯氣飽悶、痰飲喘咳者食用。一般桂花糕都會加入枸杞子炮製,加添明目、補肝腎功效。


Choose rice cake based on your body type

Tomrorow is Chinese new year! We hope everyone a prosperous and healthy new year. During the new years, many eat typical new year cakes to signify improvement in the new year. There are many different flavors, aside from choosing based on your preference, you vsn also choose based on body type. Those with asthenic weak qi and blood can have brown sugar rice cake. Glutinous rice is warm in nature and can replenish vital energy and qi. Those with heat related symptoms of abdominal bloating can have radish cake to its healing effects of strengthening the spleen and aid digestion. Those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach should stick to steamed cakes instead of fried.

Rice cake- main ingredients are glutinous rice and brown sugar. Glutinous rice is warm in nature and can replenish vital energy and qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, relieve symptoms of excessive sweating. Suitable for those with aversion to cold, excessive sweating, blood asthenia and dizziness. It is not suitable for those prone to abdominal bloating, flu, eczema and gout.

Radish cake- main ingredient is radish. It is cool in nature, can clear heat and promote diuresis, strengthen the stomach and aid digestion, relieve phlegm and cough. Suitable for those prone to stuffiness, indigestion and abdominal discomfort. Those with asthenic qi, weak body, shortness of breath should avoid. Processed meat is also rather oily so be sure to note how much is in it.

Taro cake- Taro is the main ingredient. It is mild in nature and can strengthen the spleen and stomach, relieve phlegm. Suitable for those with qi Deficiency and chronic constipation. As the carbohydrate content is higher, those prone to abdominal bloating should not have too much.

Water chestnut cake- water chestnut is the main ingredient. It is cool in nature can clear heat and promote fluid production, stimulate appetite and relieve phlegm. Suitable for those with aversion to heat, sore throat and hang over. It is not suitable for those menstruating or with cold stomach or diabetes.

Sweet osmanthus cake- sweet osmanthus is the main ingredient. It is warm in nature, can warm the lungs and dispel cold, warm the stomach and relieve pain, relieve symptoms of anxiousness and awaken the mind. It is suitable for those with frequent burping and feeling of fullness, and those with wheezy cough. Most sweet osmanthus cake also has wolfberries which can improve vision and replenish the liver and kidney.

Tips for healthier fried new years cakes:
Steamed cakes are healthier than fried ones but what if you really want that fried texture? Try to place a sheet of butter paper on your flat wok instead of using oil to reduce the amount of oil used.

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