January 28, 2021
– 宜選擇耐放的根莖類蔬菜,例如洋蔥、薯仔、蘿蔔、番薯等。
– 如選擇葉菜類,宜選購未經冷藏或淋濕的蔬菜。
– 可先去皮切好及汆水,冷凍包裝好,縮短野炊的時間。
– 本身是真空包裝的話就一整包帶去。如需事先分裝,建議每片肉之間以能重用的蜜蠟布分隔,取用時比較方便。
– 肉類可預先醃好,放在冰箱冷藏。
– 有需要的話可先汆水,放在冰箱冷藏,縮短野炊時間。
– 鮮肉盡量在旅程第一天吃掉。
– 魚類要先將去鱗及把內臟處理掉。
– 貝類海產宜事前刷洗乾淨。
– 以每餐食用份量先分裝及冷藏。
– 蔥、薑、蒜等可事前切好,放在小盒子裡。
– 調味醬油可以預先混合。
– 如準備有湯的菜式,可以準備現成的調味湯包,省時方便。
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Sumptuous meals for camping trips
Dealing with ingredients when cooking outdoors
Cooking outdoors is an important part of camping. With limited resources, campers work together to prepare dishes, and this is definitely an unique experience that does not come by easily.
If we wish to have a more enjoyable outdoor cooking experience, we need to be mindful of the ingredients. Remember to use reusable bags to reduce waste, bring them home, and dispose them properly.
– Choose stem vegetables that can stay fresh for a longer time. For instance, onion, potato, carrot, and sweet potato.
– For leafy greens, buy only the fresh ones (dry and not frozen).
– Remove the skin or blanch in water in advance and then freeze the ingredients. Doing so can reduce the cooking time.
– If they are vacuum-packed, bring them as they are. If they are not, place reusable beeswax wraps between the meat layers to ease the cooking process.
– Marinate the meat beforehand, if necessary, and store them in the freezer.
– If need be, blanch them in water first and freeze them. Doing so can reduce the cooking time.
– It is best to consume fresh meat on the first day of the trip.
– For fish, you should remove all its innards.
– As for shellfish, brush and clean them appropriately.
– Divide them into smaller portions according to the number of meals, and then freeze them.
Seasonings and condiments
– Chop onion, ginger and garlic in advance and place them into containers.
– Pre-mix the sauces, as needed.
– If there are plans to make soup, pack seasonings and condiments into sachets.
Food tips when camping:
If you are having barbequed food, try to pair it with some cool natured vegetables and fruits to balance the heat, for example, lettuce, eggplant, tomato, asparagus, pear and dragonfruit.
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