September 24, 2019




- 來一杯香噴噴又能疏肝的玫塊花或合歡花蜂蜜茶
- 互相按摩耳神門穴!位置在耳朵上部三角窩的後上方,可放鬆情緒,也順便在他/她耳邊悄悄話!
- 房內點起放鬆鎮靜心情或消除壓力的香薰,如依蘭依蘭或快樂鼠尾草
- 換一套乾淨又舒適,顏色輕柔的棉質床單
- 柔和的音樂作背景伴樂總能提升氣氛
- 調暗一點燈光更浪漫!
- 女生不妨準備一套不經意性感的喱士睡衣
- 男士們也要注意衛生,事前先到廁所整理一下

Ways to boost libido
Some men say their wives are not interested in sex, and wonder if there is a nourishing diet to help. In reality, ‘low libido’ is not necessarily health related and nor is it only limited to women. In many cases, it is caused by the environment, stress and psychological problems. For women, this is not a “performance” problem, but a balance and satisfaction of mind and body. In fact, regardless of men and women, sexual intercourse requires combination of body and mind, with love as the basis, it can further elevate the relationship. The greater the pressure given by the two sides, the more resentment of sex can happen. Stress, bad mood and liver qi stagnation will also reduce libido. It is suggested to be prepared and relax for your upcoming dates. Create a good atmosphere, and then have a romantic night with your other half!

– Have a cup of scented rose or albizia flower honey tea to relieve stress
– Massage each other’s spirit gate acupoint on the ear! It is located at the back of the upper triangle of the ear. It can relax you, and you can also whisper in his/her ear!
– Aromatherapy to calm mind or relieve stress, such as ylang ylang or clary sage
– Change to a clean, comfortable and soft color cotton sheet
– Soft background music always enhances the atmosphere
– Dim the lights to be more romantic!
– Ladies may prepare a set of sexy lace pajamas
– Gentlemen should also pay attention to hygiene. Go to the toilet to tidy up before sex. 

#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #我狀態ok

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