June 20, 2020



精明置裝Less is More

1. 我有同類型衣服嗎?
2. 這件衣服我會經常穿著嗎?
3. 這種顏色或款式耐看嗎?
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Minimalistic wardrobe
Some peopleo tend to spend money on clothes. They have no self control when there are big sales or warehouse sales. It is really satisfying to buy a lot of clothes. But many of us have a strange phenomenon, even if there are many shirts and trousers in the wardrobe, you still wear those same pieces over and over again. You always feel that there is nothing you want to wear even if you have so many clothes. The packed closet can cause a feeling of powerlessness, and it takes time to handle. If you want to stop this vicious cycle, you should buy something specific but not buy too much. You should learn how to match your clothes t create your own style. Answer the following questions before buying a new piece of clothing next time, and decide whether you need to buy it after thinking it through. 

1. Do I already have the same type of clothes?
Looking into the closet, there are already several pieces of clothing that are the same or similar, and that is because you prefer this style! Since you already own it, you don’t need to buy it for now.

2. Will I wear this dress often?
Have you ever bought something just because of the price and you may not even like the look? Don’t buy clothes that you won’t wear, which wastes space in the closet and wastes the earth’s resources.

3. Is this color or style attractive?
The trends keep changing. If you always keep up with the trend, you will have a lot of clothes to buy. Does the design even suit you? It’s better to wear your own style and ensure your clothes stand the test of time.

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