June 20, 2020







1. 所有材料洗淨,青瓜及蘋果切絲,紅辣椒去瓤去籽切絲,京蔥切幼絲浸泡冷水,蒜頭切碎,鴨胸以醃料醃製半個小時備用。
2. 鑊中加入少量油剪香鴨胸兩面,焗爐預熱至150度,再放入焗爐烤2-30分鐘至熟透,放涼後以手撕開。
3. 鍋中加少量水,水沸後加入山楂片煮至軟身,加入蜂蜜調慢火,輕壓山楂成蓉,煮成醬汁,放涼備用。
4. 大碗中加入鴨肉、青瓜絲及蘋果絲,拌入蒜蓉及山楂汁。
5. 最後放上紅椒絲及京蔥絲,可隨喜好伴以墨西哥烤餅或春餅同食。

Healthy living during Summer Solstice Solar Term:
“Nourish yang qi. Clear heat and nourish heart.”

Duck: Nourishes yin and replenishes deficiency, nourishes the stomach and promotes diuresis.
Chinese hawthorn: Stimulates appetite, aids digestion and lowers blood lipids.

Chilled duck meat with Chinese hawthorn dressing

Ingredients: 1 duck breast, half cucumber, 1 apple, 1 red chilli, 1 segment of leek, 2 cloves of garlic
Marinade: cooking wine, white pepper powder, soy sauce and sugar
Dressing: dried Chinese hawthorn 9g, 2 tablespoons honey

1. Preheat oven to 150C. Rinse all the ingredients. Slice the cucumber and apple. Remove pulp and seeds for sweet pepper and red chilli and slice. Slice the leek and soak in cold water. Chop garlic finely.
2. Heat the pan with oil and sear the duck breast to golden, place in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes. Let it cool down and tear into shreds.
3. Bring water to boil, add Chinese hawthorn and cook till soft, add honey and mesh into sauce, cool down to serve.
4. Mix the duck meat, cucumber and apple slices with garlic and Chinese hawthorn dressing.
5. Garnish with red chilli and leek, and serve with tortillas or Chinese springroll wrappers.

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