December 26, 2017


Holiday: 假期過後,我又累又腫又提不起勁,有甚麼方法可極速回復狀態?


CheckCheckCin: 平日工作繁忙,有假放當然去到盡,又熬夜又吃得放肆,假期一完就發覺自己疲累不堪,樣子又殘,而且因為吃太多重口味食物,身形立刻水腫腫脹卜卜,這時候除了先喝一杯米水,有助脾胃恢復,也可喝杯水腫腫茶療,幫你馬上消滯袪水腫。


Detox after the holidays

Holiday: after the holidays, I’m tired, bloating and just don’t seem to have any energy, how can I bounce back quickly?

CheckCheckCin: Work can be quite tough usually so during the holidays, it’s normal to try to go all out. You’ll sleep less and eat less unhealthily. But after the holidays, you would feel really tired and look worn too. On top of that, all the unhealthy eating makes you very bloated. Try to have a cup of rice water to help your spleen recover and then have a cup of eczema healing tea to relieve stagnation and bloating.

Also try to eat lighter food, make yourself a mung beans congee with sweet potato and coix seeds. It will help to detox, dispel dampness and aid with digestion. A great food remedy for post-holiday issues!

Ingredients: 1 sweet potato. 30g mung beans, 20g coix seeds, 1/2 cup of rice
Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peep and cut sweet potato into pieces. Cook all ingredients into congee and add salt to taste.

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