May 16, 2018
【星期四食材 – 素馨花vs 金針花】
素馨花 – 味苦,性平,有行氣解鬱,調經止痛等功效。生活壓力大引致的肝氣不舒、胃脹腹痛、女性月經不調、痛經和都可以素馨花泡茶作舒緩。
金針花 – 味甘,性寒,乾金針花就是平常用作烹調的食材金針,具清熱利尿、解毒消腫之效,由於有解憂釋忿之效,所以又名忘憂草。要注意新鮮金針花要完全煮熟方可食用。
Dried jasminum and orange daylily look very similar. They look like flowers, can be eaten as a vegetable and used as an herb. But they have different healing effects. Jasminum can nourish the kidneys, and orange daylily can promote diuresis and detoxify.
Jasminum- bitter in taste, mild in nature, can promote qi circulation and relieve stress, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. Work pressure can lead to poor liver qi, abdominal bloating and pain, irregular menstruation and menstrual pain for ladies, and jasminum can be used to make tea to relieve these symptoms.
Orange daylily- sweet in taste, cold in nature, dried orange daylily can be used in regular cooking. It can clear heat, promote diuresis, detoxify and relieve bloating. It can also help to relieve negative emotions. Note that fresh orange daylily must be fully cooked before consumption.