December 7, 2020





1. 洋蔥及南瓜洗淨。洋蔥去皮切條;南瓜去皮切片備用。
2. 熱鍋下油,加入洋蔥炒香,加入南瓜拌炒一會,加入高湯或水,蓋上鍋蓋以中火煮10-15分鐘至南瓜軟腍,熄火。
3. 將材料倒入攪拌機,加入牛奶,攪拌成湯。
4. 將湯倒回鍋中以小火加熱,加入適量鹽及黑胡椒調味。

1. 免治豬肉加入洋蔥粒、薑蓉、蔥花、米酒、豉油、麻油及粟粉搓勻,然後逐少加入適量水份,向同一方向不停攪拌至稍為有黏性,再加入雞蛋拌勻。
2. 豆腐用手擠壓成泥狀,倒掉水份,加入豬肉中搓勻,分成六等份,搓成球狀。
3. 將獅子頭隔水蒸約10-15分鐘至熟透,取出。
4. 淋上準備好的金湯即成。

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Healthy living during Major Snow Solar Term:
“Nourish yin and regulate qi, dispel cold and keep warm”

Onion: Dispels wind and promotes perspiration, promotes qi circulation and relieves phlegm.
Pumpkin: Replenishes vital energy and strengthens qi, detoxifies and relieves swelling.

Meatball with Golden Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup:
Ingredients: half an onion, 800g pumpkin, 300ml stock or water, 150ml milk, salt & pepper
1. Rinse onion and pumpkin. Peel and slice onion, peel pumpkin and cut into pieces.
2. Heat the pan with oil, add onion and cook until golden, add pumpkin to sear. Add stock or water, close the lid and cook with medium heat for 10-15 minutes until pumpkin softens.
3. Turn off the heat.
4. Put the cooked ingredients into blender, add milk and blend until smooth.
5. Add the soup into pot and cook on low heat, add salt and pepper to taste.

Meat ball:
Ingredients: 300g minced pork, half of a chopped onion, 1 tofu, half an egg, 1 tablespoon of minced ginger, 1 tablespoon of chopped green onion, 1 tablespoon of rice wine, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of corn starch
1. Add chopped onion, minced ginger, chopped green onion, rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil and corn starch and mix well. Add water in portions. Mix in one direction until the meat becomes sticky, add egg and mix well.
2. Mesh tofu into paste form, pour out the extra water. Combine tofu with minced meat and mix well, separate into 6 portions and knead into ball shape.
3. Steam the meat balls for 10-15 minutes until cooked.
4. Serve the meat balls on a plate

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