October 24, 2018
紫蘇葉 — 又名蘇葉或赤蘇,性溫,具發汗散寒、行氣健胃、安胎、解魚蟹毒的功效,適合外感風寒的人紓緩感冒症狀,亦適合胸悶、作悶欲吐等。惟風熱感冒、體虛多汗者不宜服用。
Chinese Basil can alleviate stomach discomfort
People think of Chinese basil during fall as it can be paired with hairy cab to reduce the cold nature. It is fragrant and can reduce smell of seafood so it is suitable to add to other ingredients too. It can help to promote qi circulation and strengthen the stomach. Pregnant ladies can make dried citrus peel water with Chinese basil to relieve morning sickness. Commonly there are two types of Chinese basil- green and purple. Green can be used to cook or in soup with a stronger smell while purple ones are dried or pickled with a more gentle odor.
Basil- warm in nature, can promote perspiration and dispel cold, promote qi circulation and strengthen the stomach, stabilize pregnancy, and alleviate toxins from fish and crab. It is suitable for those with cold wind flu symptoms, as well as those with tight chest and nausea. Not suitable for those with hot wind flu, asthenic body and excessive sweating.