May 2, 2019




金菇 — 性寒,具益氣補虛功效,適合氣血不足、體質虛弱者適量食用。由於屬性寒涼,脾胃虛寒及容易胃痛腹瀉者不宜多吃;同屬於動風發物,皮膚敏感、濕疹患者不宜吃;菇類亦屬高嘌呤食物,尿酸及痛風患者盡量少吃。

Enoki diet is not suitable for those with cold body types
“Enoki diet” is a popular diet from Japan recently. It involves crushing the enoki into a sauce and freezing them into ice cubes, then I add in an ice cube with your meal daily to lose 2kg every 2 weeks. From Chinese medicine perspective, enoki can nourish qi and improve deficiencies so it is suitable for those with insufficient qi and blood. As it is rich in fiber, it helps the gastrointestinal motility, so it is also suitable for those with constipation. However, enoki is difficult to digest, those with asthenic spleen and stomach, or those are prone to stomache and diarrhea should eat less. Enoki can activate wind so those with skin allergies and eczema should not have any.
Enoki is low in calorie and high in fiber, and it can also create feeling of fullness, otherwise eut does not have any special dieting effects. Losing weight is still about your persistence in adjusting your diet and lifestyle.

Enoki- Cold in nature. It can nourish qi and improve deficiencies and is suitable for those with insufficient qi and blood, or those with asthenic body types to consume moderately. As it is cold in nature, those with asthenic spleen and stomach, or those who are prone to stomache and diarrhea should eat less. Enoki can activate wind skin so those with skin allergies and eczema should avoid. Mushroom is high in purine contents so people those with uric acid and gout sufferers should eat less.

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