July 30, 2021



夏天天氣酷熱難當,如要進行戶外活動,除了準備防曬品及飲品,不忘帶備降溫小幫手 —— 退熱貼。退熱貼利用物理降溫的原理,透過水凝膠及清涼劑帶走熱能,達到局部降溫散熱的效果。平日發燒用退熱貼會貼在額頭,但如作消暑用途,可貼在大椎穴(頸後正中,明顯突起的骨頭位置)、肩井穴(肩部肌肉最高處,脊椎及大椎的中間點)、內關穴(前臂掌側,手腕橫紋向手肘方向2寸),這些穴位有助清熱消暑,也剛好是皮膚較薄部位易於散熱。退熱貼非常方便使用,但要注意皮膚有損傷或皮膚敏感人士慎用。如沒有退熱貼,用濕毛巾冷敷效果亦相若。

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Are you using antipyretic stickers correctly?
The weather during summer can be unbearable. If we plan to carry out outdoor activities, on top of sunscreen and beverages, we should also prepare something that can reduce our body temperature – the antipyretic stickers.

Based on the principles of cooling, hydrogels and cooling agents can reduce the heat at specific regions of the body. When we develop a fever, we can place the sticker on our forehead. But to clear the summer-heat, we can stick it around the ‘Da Zhui’ acupoint (right in the middle of the neck behind where a bone protrudes).

We can also place it on the ‘Jian Jing’ acupoint (the peak of the shoulder muscles; the mid-point between the spine and ‘Da Zhui’) and the ‘Nei Guan’ acupoint (on the palmar side of the forearm; 2 inches above the transverse crease of the wrist).

Targeting these acupoints can clear the summer-heat more effectively, as their epidermis layers are thinner. Having the antipyretic stickers around us might be convenient, but individuals with skin sensitivity or skin diseases must use them with care. Alternatively, we can also use a wet towel to achieve a similar effect.

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