July 6, 2021
☐ 三餐不定時
☐ 飲食太豐盛,少吃粗糧
☐ 嗜甜食、含糖飲料
☐ 容易肚餓及頭暈目眩
☐ 有吸煙或飲酒習慣
☐ 活動量不足
☐ 工作壓力大
☐ 肥胖,BMI超過25
☐ 睡眠不足 / 失眠
☐ 有糖尿病家族史
☐ 年齡 ≧ 45歲
☐ 患有高血壓或高血脂
☐ 曾患妊娠糖尿病
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Are you at risk for diabetes?
Consuming too much sugar can lead to diabetes? Drinking sweet drinks regularly can increase your risk of getting diabetes? Are you at risk for diabetes?
Let’s take a look at risk factors:
☐ Having irregular meals
☐ Lack of coarse grains in diets
☐ Sweet tooth
☐ Feel dizzy when hungry
☐ Enjoy smoking and drinking alcohol
☐ Lack of exercise
☐ Stressful work
☐ Obesity, BMI exceeds 25
☐ Lack of sleep/insomnia
☐ Hereditary
☐ Aged 45 and above
☐ High blood pressure and cholesterol
☐ Gestational diabetes
There are two types of diabetes mellitus: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 patients cannot produce sufficient insulin due to the problems with their immune system. Type 2, which is more common, normally happens to elderly folks.
Type 2 diabetes is also associated with obesity and unhealthy dietary habits, which cause the pancreas to overwork. Excessive secretion of stress hormone, too, can inhibit the secretion of insulin, which in turn leads to diabetes.
If these risk factors seem familiar to you, then you should start paying attention to your health and go for regular body check-ups. Getting rid of all the unhealthy eating and drinking habits is the best preventive measure to keep diabetes at bay.
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