March 8, 2019






Eczema suitable ingredients at a glance

There are certain foods people with eczema should avoid as stimulating ingredients can worsen the condition. Many people see the list of food to avoid and feel as if the world has left them behind and think ‘so what CAN I eat?’. There are actually a lot you can eat! We made a quick list of common ingredients that are suitable for those with eczema. Mild natured ingredients are suitable for everyone and cool natured ingredients are suitable for those with heat-related body types.
Mild natured ingredients for those with eczema
rice water, white rice, red rice, brown rice, corn, chayote, hairy gourd, carrot, potato, taro, choy sum, Chinese kale, cabbage, beans, beetroot, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, garland chrysanthemum, lotus root, Chinese yam, poria, gastrodia tuber, malt, rice sprout, soya bean, hyacinth bean, black eyed pea, rice bean, coix seed, fig, apple, papaya, avocado, red/green grapes, lemon, plum, pork, quail, goose, mullet, striped bass, crucian carp, squid, whitebait, dace fish, loach, tuna, salmon

Cool natured ingredients for those with eczema
winter melon, loofah gourd, bitter melon, cucumber, aged cucumber, bottle gourd, water melon, celery, bak choy, ma lan tou, wolfberry leaf, dried lily flower, green/white radish, tomato, tofu, sprouts, corn silk, arrowhead mushroom, water chestnut, mung bean, duck, loquat, persimmon, strawberry, orange, tangerine, clementine, banana, kiwi, yuzu, dragon fruit, dragons tongue leaf, motherwort, plumeria, imperatae, fritillaria bulb, lotus leaf, kapok, chrysanthemum, mint, licorice, sea coconut, Chinese prayer bead grass, sweet almond, night blooming cereus, prunella

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