February 19, 2020
1. 食材洗淨,洋蔥切絲,大蔥切段,其餘蔬菜切適當食用大小備用
2. 視乎自己喜好選擇滑豆腐或硬豆腐,硬豆腐可稍稍煎香備用
3. 鍋中加入少量油,放洋蔥及大蔥爆香,再注入壽喜燒醬汁至1厘米高
4. 加入大白菜及茼蒿,蓋上鍋蓋煮至軟身及出水,令醬汁會稍為稀釋
5. 即可隨自己喜好加入食材烹煮食用
6. 最後可在剩下的醬汁內加入烏冬麵,澆入蛋汁煮至軟身即成
Rain water solar term- Sukiyaki with vegetable
Leeks: promotes perspiration and dispels cold, strengthens the stomach and sterilize
Garland Chrysanthemum: calms the mind and nourishes the spleen, clears the liver and improves vision
Sukiyaki ingredients:
Leeks, garland chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage (or mini cabbage/Wang Cai), carrot, Enoki Mushroom, Shitake mushroom, Chinese yam, tofu, Konnyaku noodle, udon noodles, egg
Sauce ingredients:
100ml Japanese soy sauce, 100ml mirin, 100ml sake or cooking wine, 150ml Dashi broth (You can add hot water to steep with Japanese Dashi powder or add water with Japanese Dashi soup pack. Vegetarians can use Kombu soup instead.)
1. Rinse all ingredients. Cut onion into thin shreds. Cut leeks into pieces. Cut remaining vegetables into proper size.
2. You can choose soft or hard tofu depending on your preference. Hard tofu can be slightly pan-fried for later use.
3. Add a small amount of oil into the pot. Stir-frying onion and leeks at high heat until fragrant. Then add Sukiyaki sauce to 1 cm height of the pot.
4. Add Chinese cabbage and garland chrysanthemum. Cover the pot to cook until the ingredients are cooked through and dilute the soy sauce.
5. Then add ingredients into the pot depending on your preference.
6. Add udon noodles and egg into the sauce and cook until soft.