October 21, 2017
產後特別多聲音— 家裡現有成員的、新加入小成員的、陪月的,還有疼愛產婦的一眾親朋好友、長輩等七嘴八舌的分享自己獨門意見。這個時候,已經要與小生命困獸鬥的一個月裡面,新手媽媽最疏肝的,其實是一刻寧靜。
Chill Out- have a moment of peace and silence.
It can get noisy after labor. There’s a new small family member, a confinement lady, and sometimes friends and family who love to share their experience and opinions. During this time, you have to manage a new born and often times, the most relaxing thing to have is a moment of peace and silence to yourself.