September 14, 2023
Skin Need x CheckCheckCin 兩大香港品牌聯手研發全新大米精華面膜系列,以維持皮膚年輕狀態、延緩衰老痕跡為目標。兩位創辦人擁有共同理念:健康是一種習慣,只要堅持每天一小步,就能成就明日無痕肌膚與健康體質的一大步🫶🏻🥹 這具調理膚質的治療級面膜系列,融合科學理念,配方以精確調配的優質植物成份研製而成,透過非侵入性、溫和、安全以及持之而恆的方法養顏護膚。
面膜系列包括了Rice Amino Acids Hydra Filler Mask 與Rice Ferment Ultra Glowing Mask,建議每週使用 2-3 次以減低因日常生活壓力、疲勞及環境污染而引致肌膚加速老化的侵害。使用面膜後可接續進行原有的護膚步驟;面膜適合所有肌膚。
【07E 米糠氨基酸緊緻面膜】
Rice Amino Acids Hydra Filler Mask
$420/盒(內附5片獨立包裝面膜+ V面拉提面膜)
【07F 大米美白水潤面膜】
Rice Ferment Ultra Glowing Mask
$380/盒(內附5片獨立包裝面膜+ V面拉提面膜)
With resonating philosophies of making healthy living a habit, where each small step made can lead to big rewards towards your skin and overall wellbeing, the two Hong Kong founded brands have joined hands to create a rice-infused collection of therapeutic grade and skin conditioning formulas to achieve naturally youthful and fresh-looking skin. Formulated with premium grade botanicals precisely calculated to manifest optimal functionality on the skin, the collection is a work of scientific prowess channelled through the mind-set of attaining health through non-invasive, gentle, safe, and steadfast approach.
The collection includes the Rice Amino Acids Hydra Filler Mask and Rice Ferment Ultra Glowing Mask, and is a multi-dynamic programme designed to be used 2-3 times on a weekly basis to minimalize daily stressors that age the skin. The programme can be incorporated into any skin care routine and is developed to be used by all skin types.
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