November 7, 2022


☐ 常嘆氣
☐ 多打嗝或放屁
☐ 常不經意乾咳,自覺喉嚨中有東西卡住,吞不下,吐不出
☐ 心神恍惚
☐ 情緒鬱悶或經常感覺煩躁
☐ 女士經前會乳房脹痛,部份男士會睪丸脹痛,或胸脅脹痛
☐ 大便不調,時會便秘,時會大便稀爛
☐ 遇到人多、狹窄空間會出現頭痛或呼吸不暢等不適症狀








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Three main acupoints to soothe liver
Stress is invisible and intangible, but it affects the physical and mental health of a lot of people, individuals’ performance at work, and their interpersonal relationship with people. Some people believe they do not have stress, but stress manifests in ways we might not know. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, stress can change how we feel about our bodies and emotions. Have you experienced these symptoms in the recent month?
☐ sigh frequently
☐ burp or fart
☐ often dry coughing unconsciously. Feeling stuck in throat, unable to swallow or spit.
☐ absent-mindedness
☐ depressed or often feeling irritable
☐ for ladies, breast pain before menstruation. Some men have testicular pain, or chest pain.
☐ experience bowel problems. Sometimes constipation, sometimes loose stools.
☐ headaches or shortness of breath may occur when there are many people or in a narrow space

If you exhibit 3 or more symptoms, your body experiences the stagnation of the qi. Individuals with this condition are often perfectionists who would always put pressure on themselves, and they would overthink and become excessively anxious. Stagnation of qi in the Meridian and internal organs can cause qi and blood stagnation in the entire body, affecting the individual’s emotions.

Individuals with a qi-stagnation body constitution need to learn to soothe the liver to relieve stress. They would feel better and become more spirited once they manage to soothe the liver.
Do spend time carrying out activities such as watching drama series, exercising, and spacing out to relieve stress. When you feel you are about to break down, you should start massaging acupoints to relieve stress. By massaging the acupoints, you can relieve headaches, dizziness, bloodshot eyes, and swelling that are caused by the poor circulation of the qi and the organs. Should such discomfort persist, you can consult Chinese physicians to seek the right treatment besides pouring your heart out to your friends.

Dan Zhong Acupoint
Effects: Relieves irritability, stress and anxiety. Has healing effect of regulating qi
Location: Located midway between nipples.
Method: Apply pressure with your middle finger till until you have feeling of soreness. Press for 3-5 times a day. Straighten five finger and pull them together sweeping from this acupoint to belly button to aid digestion.

Inner Pass (Nei Guan) Point
Effects: Calms the mind, nourishes qi and relieves pain, good for the heart.
Location: Located three finger breadths below the wrist on the inner forearm in between the two tendons
Method: Apply pressure with your thumb pulp softly for 1 minute

Union Valley (He Gu) Point
Effects: Alleviates dizziness, headache, bloating and tinnitus
Location: Located between the thumb and index finger, right next to the second metacarpal bone
Method: Apply pressure with your thumb pulp softly for 1 minute
Note: pregnant women should not press this acupoints as it has labour inducing qualities.

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