March 20, 2019




Use natural ingredients to replace cod liver oil
There are a lot of children health supplements in the market, fish oil and cod liver oil are very common. A lot of parents see no harm in giving them as they are marketing to improve children immunity and increase nutrient absorption. From Chinese medicine perspective, children should not have tonic replenishing food too early as their organs have not fully developed and they cannot properly absorb all the nutrients given. Children diets should be light and nourishing for the spleen and stomach.
Children under 3 are in prime growth period. Unless your child has some innate deficiencies and a professional practitioner has prescribed replenishing supplements, children should have enough nutrients from their diets. Supplementing too soon may have the opposite desired effects, disrupting the internal yin and yang balance. Cod liver oil and fish oil is to improve health of your eyes and blood vessels, you can actually try ingredients such as pig liver, chicken liver, wolfberry leaves, blueberries and small fish, to replenish liver and kidneys, nourish blood and improve vision. Ingredients such as walnuts, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, hazelnut can improve brain functions.
Pig liver: warm in nature, nourishes blood, replenishes liver, and improves vision
Chicken liver: warm in nature, replenishes liver and kidneys, nourishes blood and improves vision
Wolfberry leaves: cool in nature, nourishes liver and improves vision, replenishes deficiencies
Blueberries: cool in nature, nourishes and replenishes liver and kidneys, improves vision
Mulberries: cold in nature, nourishes and replenishes liver and kidneys, nourishes blood and yin
Walnuts: hot in nature, replenishes kidneys, nourishes qi and blood, improves memory
Sunflower seeds: mild in nature, replenishes asthenic damage, lower blood lipids, replenishes and strengthens the brain
Pine nuts: hot in nature, replenishes qi and nourishes fluids, moistens the lungs and intestines, replenishes the brain and nerves
Hazelnuts: hot in nature, replenishes spleen and stomach, strengthens the body, improves brain functions

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