October 10, 2019




豆漿 — 有潤燥、健脾養胃的功效,適合各種體質人士飲用。惟注意痛風患者,脾胃虛弱容易胃脹人士不宜飲用。

牛奶 — 具有補虛、生津潤腸、有益肺胃的功效,惟注意脾胃虛弱人士不宜飲用。

羅漢果水 — 具清熱潤肺、化痰止咳、潤腸通便功效,適合風熱型感冒引起的咳嗽、喉嚨痛,亦適合熬夜、煙酒過多、飲食過度而導致的喉嚨痛、扁桃腺發炎、失聲及便秘等症狀。惟注意風寒感冒、咳嗽及脾胃虛寒不宜多服。

蜂蜜檸檬水 — 蜂蜜有補脾潤肺、潤腸及解毒功效,而檸檬可生津止渴、開胃消食。惟注意濕熱及痰濕體質人士、喝酒過多及易有腹瀉人士不宜食用蜂蜜。

夕米水 — 米水可以養好脾胃,讓滋陰潤肺食材吸收得更好。而夕米水了加入黑豆及黑芝麻,更有補虛烏髮及潤腸燥功效。

Five moistening drinks for the fall
The weather in fall is cool and dry, and amount of body fluid is reduced. That can cause discomfort such as dry mouth, sore throat, dry skin and itchiness. To prevent and relieve autumn dryness, the most important thing is to replenish your fluids- drink plenty of water, but if you find water tasteless and boring or if you drink plenty of water but still have dry mouth, you can drink beverages that have the effect of nourishing yin and relieving dryness such as soy milk, milk, dusk rice water, or self-made monk fruit water and honey lemonade to relieve the discomfort caused by autumn dryness.

Soymilk- It has the effect of relieving dryness, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach. It is suitable for all body types. But gout sufferers, those with weak spleen and stomach and prone to abdominal bloating should not drink it.

Milk- It has the effect of improving deficiencies, promoting fluid production, moistening bowels, nourishing lungs and stomach, but people with weak spleen and stomach should not drink it.

Monk fruit water- It has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, reducing phlegm and relieving cough, and loosening the bowels to relieve constipation. It is suitable for cough and sore throat caused by heat wind flu. It is also suitable for sore throat, tonsillitis, loss of voice and constipation caused by staying up late, over-drinking and smoking or over-eating. However, those with cold wind flu, cough, weak and cold spleen and stomach should drink less.
Preparation: Rinse and open the monk fruit, added to 1L water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

Honey Lemonade- Honey has the effect of replenishing the spleen, moistening the lungs and intestines ,and detoxifying. Lemon can be used for promoting fluid production and relieving thirst, stimulating appetite and aid digestion. However, people with damp-heat, phlegm and dampness types, over-drinking, and prone to diarrhea should not have honey.
Preparation: Cut lemon into slices and add into warm water, add appropriate amounts of honey and mix well.

Dusk rice water- Rice water can strengthen the spleen and stomach to help your body absorb nutrients from ingredients that can nourish yin and moisten lungs well. Dusk rice water contains black soya beans and black sesame, has the effect of improving deficiencies and hair quality and relieving dryness in the intestines.

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