September 14, 2020




1. 不良飲食

2. 吸煙飲酒

3. 過肥過瘦

4. 缺乏運動

5. 熬夜晚睡

6. 情緒壓力

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Do you have difficulty conceiving?
You have been ready to conceive for quite some time, but do not see changes in your belly? One in six couples in Hong Kong suffers from infertility. Infertility refers to couples with normal sex life but are unable to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse.

People in this modern era get married later in life, hence delaying pregnancy. Moreover, stress at work and improper diet might also contribute to infertility. You have been planning to have a baby for a long time, but have you been cautious enough not to commit the following acts?

1. Unhealthy diet
Irregular meals, or frequently eating foods that are raw, cold, deep fried, spicy, oily and processed; frequent consumption of fast food or takeaways will lower the chances of conceiving.

2. Smoking and drinking alcohol
“I will quit smoking once the baby is born”, but by right, we should quit smoking when we are already planning to get pregnant! This is because smoking and drinking alcohol can lower the quality of sperms. Women should also give up smoking and drinking alcohol, as the substances in these items might cause premature ovarian failure, hence reducing the chances of getting pregnant.

(To be cont in comment column)

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