April 23, 2020
⭐ 切勿以為以形補形食肝補肝
⭐ 記得飲食清淡少吃濃味食物
黑芝麻 — 性平,有補肝腎、潤五臟、養血烏髮、滋陰潤腸的功效,可改善早生白髮及皮燥髮枯的問題。但因為芝麻有補益效果,過量服用可引起偏熱症狀如口乾、喉嚨痛、暗瘡等。
枸杞子 — 又名杞子,性平,具滋補肝腎、益精明目的功效,尤其適合肝腎陰虛的人士服用,可紓緩腰膝痠軟、頭暈目眩、視物不清、眼睛乾澀等症狀。脾虛便溏、易有腹瀉人士不宜多吃。
決明子 — 性涼,有清肝明目、潤腸通便的作用,適合紓緩因肝火旺或風熱引起的目赤腫痛、腸燥便秘及高血壓症狀。氣虛便溏者不宜服用。
3 seeds to nourish the liver
Spring is a good time to nourish the liver, because the theory of Chinese medicine believes that the liver corresponds to wood in the five elements, and the spring corresponds to wood. If you want to nourish your liver, you should opt for sweet flavour instead of sour. Eat more sweet ingredients to strengthen your spleen and promote qi, and prevent excessive liver qi. At the same time, you can eat more green vegetables as “green enters the liver”, and can improve liver qi circulation. You can also appropriately consume these three ingredients: black sesame, wolfberry and cassia seed. Black sesame and wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidney. Cassia seed can clear the liver and improve vision, and relieve the symptoms such as red and dry eyes due to strong liver heat.
Black sesame- mild in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the organs, nourish blood and improve hair quality, nourish yin and moisten the intestine. It also can improve early appearance of grey hair and dry skin and hair issues. Since sesame has nourishing healing effects, over consumption can lead to heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, pimple.
Wolfberry – mild in nature, can nourish kidneys and liver, and replenish vital essence to improve vision. It is especially suitable for those with liver and kidney yin deficiency, can relieve weak knees and lower back, dizziness, poor eyesight, dry eyes. Those with asthenic spleen and loose stool, and those prone to diarrhea should eat less.
Cassia seed- cool in nature, can clear liver, improve vision and loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. It can relieve symptoms such as red and dry eyes, dry intestine and constipation and hypertension. Not suitable for those with qi deficiency and loose stool.
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