May 19, 2020
1. 蔬菜洗淨,翠玉瓜及半個番茄切粒備用
2. 餘下的番茄切大件放入攪拌機,加入蒜頭及水打成醬汁
3. 鍋中放適量水,水沸後放天使麵,依照包裝說明煮到適當程度撈起,澆上少量橄欖油拌勻放涼備用;沸水中加入已切粒的蔬菜汆水約30秒放涼備用
4. 鍋中倒入已攪拌好的番茄醬汁,加鹽及糖調味,稍稍煮至溫熱後放涼
5. 待醬汁放涼後,加入天使麵拌勻,表面放已切粒的番茄及翠玉瓜
6. 最後擠上檸檬汁,澆上少量橄欖油及灑上少量黑胡椒調味,可隨口味加上少量芫茜或番茜碎即成
Healthy living during Grain Full Solar Term:
“Clear heat, promote fluid promotion. Strengthen the spleen and stomach.”
Tomato: Promotes fluid promotion and quenches thirst, strengthens the stomach to aid digestion
Zucchini: Clears heat and promotes diuresis, improves irritability and relieves thirst.
Cold angel hair with tomato and zucchini
Ingredients: tomato 200g (around 2 large sized tomatoes), half zucchini, angel hair 100g, 1 clove of garlic, half a lemon, 100ml water, olive oil, sugar, salt & pepper
1. Rinse the vegetables, dice zucchini and half a tomato into small pieces.
2. Cut the rest of the tomato in large pieces and put into blender, add 1 clove of garlic and water and blend into paste.
3. Boil and drain the pasta according to the package directions, mix with some olive oil and rest it to room temperature. Boil and drain the chopped tomato and zucchini, cool down to serve.
4. Slightly heat the tomato sauce into pan, add sugar and salt to taste.
5. Mix the pasta in after the sauce is cooled, add in chopped tomato and zucchini
6. Mix the pasta with lemon juice and olive oil, add black pepper to taste, or add some chopped coriander or parsley according to personal preference.
#24節氣 #濕熱 #我煩躁 #減肥 #水腫 #暗瘡