June 25, 2017
「陰」是指體內的水液、血液、營養等,能濡養身體臟腑的物資。這些物資有賴「陽」的啟動來轉化及運輸,以供給身體所需。簡單來說「陰」、「陽」需要互相協調才能維持生命。 任何一方過盛或不足,就會令體內出現不平衡甚至生病的狀態。
What is the balance of yin and yang?
Yin refers to the fluids, blood and nutrient in your body that nourishes your organs. These resources rely on your yang activation to transform and transport throughout your body to fulfil various needs. To put simply, yin and yang has to coordinate with each other to sustain your life. If either one is too active or lacking, it will cause imbalance in your body and lead to potential ailments.