September 27, 2017


CheckCheckCin: 香港人真的很喜歡打邊爐,一年四季甚麼節日也要打過才安樂,而你想像得出的湯底也有。但是打邊爐有多燥熱,人人皆知,是否一杯清熱的飲品就可解決熱氣問題?又有甚麼要注意的?


I really love hot pot, can I clear the heat by drinking some sweet-sour plum juice or sugar cane couch grass root drink at the same time?
CheckCheckCin: People from Hong Kong really do love hot pots and it seems like people are eating it throughout the year. The types of soup base become more and more creative too. However, everyone knows hot pot increase dryness and heat, can it be relieved by a simple heat-clearing drink? What else should I be watching out for?

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